The Basketball game

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This week Walt and Martin's basketball game is an away game. It isn't too far but since we all have to be at the same place we figured we should carpool. With our new plan of co-parenting I invite Michael who is planning on meeting us at the game.

We pull up and I reach for the door handle but am swiftly blocked by Rodrigo who reaches for my hand to place it back on my lap. He shakes his finger at me as he prepares to get out to open my door for me. I can't help but smile that this tattooed rugged man is such a gentleman. He swings the door open then grabs my hand helping me down from his truck.

He releases my hand slowly but not before he squeezes it with a playful smile that I couldn't help but match. His calloused fingers are the contrast of my soft skin. I don't remember how long it's been since a respectable man has paid me any attention. I have been scraping the bottom of the barrel to find not only an upstanding gentleman but one who knew what it took to be with a single mom. I always figured that I would rather be single than settle for some disrespectful slime ball.

The boys grab their bags and race off to the gym to warm up as we trail behind them. Michael is already at the entrance with his jaw clenched tight as Rodrigo and I approach. His posture is tense and his arms are crossed over his chest.

Rodrigo pushes his sunglasses up onto his buzzed head as he looks Michael up and down before extending a hand, "Hi, I am Rodrigo, Allie's neighbor. I don't think we FORMALLY met." He emphasis 'formally' knowing that they had met prior but under less ideal circumstances.

That's correct the last time they met Rodrigo was defending me.

Michael pushes his sun glasses up as well and meets his hand for a firm handshake, " Michael, Walt's dad." He declares it with authority as if Martin had plans to encroach on his newly found territory.

I figure we better go in and claim our seats or else they would be out here all day in a macho standoff.

Most of Walt's teammates are a mix of the neighborhood kids and some of his classmates. Due to Walt's skill level he graduated from rec centers and now is officially in a competitive traveling basketball league. No surprise there. I knew this day would eventually come I just wasn't prepared for how expensive it would get. Thankfully on one of my dad's trips up he left a envelope of money on the counter declaring it to be used for Walt's basketball. I never even mentioned it he just knew my brain was wracked with anxiety over how to afford it. My dad has his faults but he always come through.

Most of the time I sit alone or with Rodrigo but that doesn't stop the other mom's from ogling me. It doesn't matter what I wear or who I sit with the whispers about me will continue regardless. It's like high school but the adult version. At least this point in my life I don't care what they think of me. They know I am a young single mom and for that it's enough ammunition to trash talk me while they sit on their married high horses.

Today the mom posse perks up as they see Michael stroll by. You can't miss him since he is the size of a giant. With Rodrigo on my left and Michael on my right we walk to the bleachers and jaws visibly hang open. I feel smushed between two body guards. I don't need to look around to feel the piercing stares of the ladies searing through me.

The team mom who happens to be the coach's wife shimmies over with a radiant welcoming smile.

"Hi, I am Maggie. Team Mom. Are you here to watch one of the players?" She looks only at Michael.

Interesting that dear old Maggie never took the time to introduce herself to me.

I knew she was a bit salty even though her husband was the coach he played my son more. I respect that in the coach though even more even if it makes his home life more difficult.

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