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I left earlier than normal to take Walt to school. I have  to talk to the school office about adding Michael as one of his pick up options. I am usually in too big of a rush to walk Walt into class but not today. He slides his hand inside mine beaming with pride that I am escorting him in. I know these days will soon come to an end. He won't like motherly doting for all to see but for now I want to bask in this.

I wish that I could afford to send Walt to a private christian school. At times I am grateful that my dad blessed me with that education but this is the nicest public school we could go to with the housing we could afford. It isn't the greatest in the area but it is far from the worst. There are larger than I preferred class sizes and less newer resources but he can get by. I catch a few other mom's at drop side eyeing me with their judgmental stares.

I am use to the looks, stares, and remarks. The is she the babysitter? Older sister? The sullen "teen mom" look.  It doesn't help that I look younger than my age, not to mention that Walt is almost my height these days. I ignore it though. Yes I was a teen mom but that doesn't define who I am. I relish in the fact that I beat the odds and am successful in spite of my single teen mom title.

We get to Walt's class and I kiss the top of his head as he scurries inside to start unloading his backpack. I could barely sleep last night trying to figure out the best way to discuss adding Walt's dad. I went over the scenarios in my head of the possible "what if" questions and answers I would give. I rehearsed every possible conversation from every angle over and over. Wanting to not give too many details but just enough. It was exhausting. Strike that I am exhausted.

Walt's teacher, Mrs. Bermudez, saunters over as she can tell I am lingering at the doorway.

"Can I help you?" Mrs. Bermudez asks.

"Oh I just want to update you. Walt's dad is in town so we will be making a few changes. He might on some days drop off or pick up." This is the strategy I decide to go with. Something simple without too much detail.

She nods, "Just make sure to stop at the office and fill out the necessary paperwork." 

"Sounds good." I robotically reply surprised at how easy this was.

I want her to know we were going through some family changes as well in case there are any acting out issues from Walt. However, I doubt that would occur with my perfect boy.

I head to the secretary as I reiterate a similar story to what I told Mrs. Bermudez. The secretary nods too then hands me an additional sheet.

"Are you planning to add him to the emergency contact list?" The secretary asks in her perfect monotone voice.

My brain skips a beat for a brief moment. I hadn't thought of that. Since preschool the only emergency contacts were myself and Christy. My dad was too far away if anything truly emergent happened. I had never considered it as an option but Michael's words rang in my head. He wants to be involved so I might as well add him.

I head back out and off to work thinking that this is getting easier and easier each time. Maybe I had blown this out of proportion and I just need to take a breath. I tend to over analyze way too much and just need to chill.

Leaving the school I text Michael an update.

Me: I filled out information for school. You have officially been added to his emergency contact and pick up list.

Michael: :) When can I pick him up?

Isn't he an eager beaver.

Me: What works for you this week?

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