Chapter 48: Long Awaited Rematch

Start from the beginning

Alexandra: Why did you make a trident out of your energy for this guy?

I kicked Dave away, but he quickly stopped himself. I looked over at Alexandra.

(Y/N): I don't remember much, but I was about to pass out. It was when we were fighting Tyler. He needed help, so I did my job as a Hero.

I whispered to Alexandra. I looked back and didn't see Dave anywhere. I looked around, trying to find him. I felt a bunch of ice surrounded my body.

Dave: Trapped you! Maybe next time you shouldn't stand around talking to yourself!

I let out a scream and broke the ice around me. I saw Dave dash in front of me. I tried to punch him, but he moved slightly, making my fist scrap his cheek. He swung his trident at me. It hit some of my arm that wasn't protected by the arm guards. The red energy where Dave hit disappeared from my body, revealing my skin. A small cut opened up, spilling a small bit of blood.

Dave: Heh, I bet my mother never did anything like that to you before.

Alexandra: He broke through your energy. I've never had that happen to me before. This kid is actually a real threat.

I jumped back and focused on my arm. The energy slowly went back over my arm and I felt my wound heal good as new.

Dave: I've been practicing with this trident for the rest of the time I was with Super ever since I got it! I learned that combining my fire with it, there is nothing I couldn't accomplish!

(Flashback) (Dave's POV)

I was sent back, but I quickly landed on my feet.

Kane: Come on, don't tell me that's the best you've got. I don't have a scratch on me, yet you have numerous.

I started to think about what I can do. I can't do anything to get near Kane. He's too strong for me on my own, at least for the time being.

Super: Dave! Try thinking about what you can do and use your tools to your advantage!

I thought about what Super told me. I looked down at the red trident. I took a deep breath and used my dark blue fire to surround it. I can tell it made the trident a lot stronger. I smiled to myself and dashed at Kane. He surrounded my body in a purple energy, but I managed to swing my trident and broke the purple energy around me.

Kane: Excuse me?!

Dave: A King can conquer anything!

I swung at Kane. He blocked the trident with his arm. He let out a grunt as some blood came from his arm. He closed his eyes and opened them again, a purple glow coming from them. He went behind me and punched me into the ground. I got rid of the fire around the trident and let out a sigh.

Kane: Sheesh. You really are a stubborn kid, but it seems that stubbornness actually showed some progress.

(Flashback End) (Fox's POV)

Dave: Not even Ivy was able to land a scratch on him even after the month! Just goes to show how great I can become!

(Y/N) and Davidson... Those two have definitely gotten stronger. Just by looking at them, they're definitely the two strongest students in this class, no, in the school. The only ones in this building that can beat them are the teachers. I looked over at the students watching the match, commenting on it.

Student 1: That Dave guy... Keeps going on about becoming King or whatever. It's really annoying.

I sighed. Davidson is full of himself, but that's his passion showing. He isn't afraid of looking out onto the world and declaring what he wants to become. He has the most spirit I've met from someone in a long time.

Student 2: Yeah, and (Y/N). After he became that weird red dude at the tournament, he's changed. It's like someone is fighting when he goes like that.

That kid does have a point. I've been noticing that too. Maybe Top knows more about that. I'll have to ask her, that is if she's willing to talk about it to me. (Y/N) and Davidson dashed at each other. They started to exchange blows. After one lands an attack, the other responds with a stronger attack. I'm actually not sure who would win if this match continues. I heard a beeping noise coming from my arm. I lifted it up and saw a notification on my wrist watch.

Fox: Crap. I'm needed for a situation. Ok class!

My shouting made everyone stop. They all looked at over at me.

Fox: Today's will have to be cut short. I don't want any fights while I'm gone! Just think that this period will be free time!

I ran out of the gym and outside of the school building. I made some black tendrils on my back and smacked them down on the ground, sending me high up into the sky. I heard an explosion nearby. I looked down and saw Chemist flying towards me.

Chemist: Hello Foxy Pie! Did you also get asked for a situation?!

Fox: Yeah, I did!

Chemist: Looks like we're both needed!

Fox: That's worrying. The last time we were both needed, it wasn't pretty.

Chemist: That's true, but we gotten way stronger since then! I'm confident that we'll handle this situation easily!

This feeling inside my body said that it would be the exact opposite of how Chemist said it would go and I know she thinks the same way. After a few minutes of going, me and Chemist made it to the location we were needed. We are in a small forest near the city. I looked around, trying to find what's going on.

Chemist: Was this some kinda prank-

I put a tendril around her mouth to make her quiet. The two of us started to hear a voice in our heads.

Mental: Chemist! Darkness! Good thing that you're here!

Mental? What's going on here? Why were we called here?

Mental: I'm against someone and they are really strong. I need back up immediately. Just head straight and you'll reach my location.

I looked at Chemist and we nodded our heads. I removed the black tendril from her mouth and she reached into her pocket, pulling out a small beaker of water. It changed color and she slammed it into the ground, sending me and her forward. We landed on our feet after flying a long distance, next to Mental. She's in the ground, panting hard.

Fox: Mental. Get out of here and leave the rest to us.

Chemist: Whoever you were fighting are going to be regretting their decision of trying to fight against Heroes!

Mental nodded her head.

Mental: Be careful. I tried to read his mind, but I couldn't for some reason. I have no idea who or what he is and his Power is a mystery to me.

Mental made a purple aura around herself and floated away. Me and Chemist looked around, trying to find the person Mental was fighting. We heard footsteps getting closer. We looked over and saw a man with white hair and wearing a suit getting closer. He doesn't have a piece of dirt in him and he was fighting Mental. I can tell this guy is no slouch.

Growth: More Heroes? I shouldn't be surprised. I'll have to show you how I'll change the world for the better.

(Chapter 48 end)

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