A few minutes later, he received a reply.

"You're fucked? You've got to be kidding me. I'm the definition of fucked bro, because you are all the way in New York, while I'm stuck with babysitting my niece"

Jungkook chuckled, before typing a reply.

"I'm actually for real here, I'm fucked!"

Daniel's reply came in almost immediately, as if he had a response awaiting.

"If this is still about that man Seokjin, then i do not even want to heart it. For crying out loud Jungkook the man has showed you nothing but care, so what are you still so afraid of? When he found out about what your family put you up to, he wasn't even furious nor mad. It doesn't get better than this man, tell me just how many people out there would actually do that?"

Jungkook stared down at the lengthy text across his phone screen, thinking of the best possible way to reply to it.

Just then, Jungkook's phone dinged again as Daniel wasn't done talking.

"Also, if it's about how he has been treating you since you both left town, then it can only mean one thing. He likes you Jungkook, and the earlier you realize that and dump this shitty attitude of yours, then the better for you".

Jungkook gasped, furiously typing a reply.

"Who says I've got an attitude?"

"Then what the fuck is it then?"

Jungkook's fingers hesitated a bit, hovering jut above the key pads in sullen thoughts. Because, maybe Daniel was right, what the fuck was the actual problem?

Because you're not gay.

The voice resonated deep in his ears, voice laced with a tone of  mockery. Causing Jungkook's shoulder to slump in absolute defeat.

"Hey you okay? Why are you out here? I've been searching for you"

Jungkook turned around, to see Kim Seokjin climbing up the stairs to the roof, with an obvious sign of worry etched all over his perfectly handsome face.

Kim Seokjin, was still in the same outfit worn for the last shoot. A look which consisted of a loose black, round neck, Calvin Klein tees with matching black pants. Finish off with a slick, side part mullet hair do. The man looked jaw droppingly gorgeous, he always did.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, are you okay?" Seokjin asks again, since he was met with silence the first time.

Jungkook cleared his throat, casting his gaze to the ground. "Yea, yea I'm good. Are you done now?"

Seokjin squinted his eyes, observing the boy before him very keenly. "Are you sure you're fine?"

Jungkook nodded slightly, with a hum.

Seokjin exhaled, "Okay, If you say so. About the shoot, it's taking longer than expected, so I think I'm gonna be here till maybe seven in the evening?. But I don't want to stress you out with that, so I've arranged for you to be driven back to the hotel first, I will join you later. How does that sound?"

Normally, this was supposed to sound great to Jungkook. Given that he was ready to do just about anything, to be miles away from the man. But it somehow didn't sound great in this moment, if anything, Jungkook wanted to stay beside Seokjin, he was willing to wait for him. Just so they would go back to the hotel together.

And so he did.

"No, it doesn't, I will wait"

"Jeonguk, you don't have__"

"I said I will wait" he looked Seokjin in the eye as he spoke.

Having no words left to counter Jungkook's, Seokjin eventually gives in. "Alright sure, it's just a couple more hours and I'll be done"

The black colored tinted Nissan van, was already waiting by the exit, to convey Seokjin and Jungkook back to the hotel. It was way passed seven pm by now, and Seokjin was more than exhausted. Jungkook was no better as he sluggishly climbed into the backspace of the vehicle, with Seokjin holding the door open for him.

Seokjin plopped in right next to him, with an exasperated sigh.

"I'm so sorry I made you go through this stress with me today, next time you should probably just stay back at hotel while I work alone"

Jungkook scoffed, "You should be telling me thank you and not scolding me. Didn't they teach you simple courtesy while at school?" He bites back.

Having no strength left for the boys tantrum, Seokjin merely chuckled, with a toothy grin. "Thank you sir Jeon Jeonguk, I'm forever indebted to you" he teased.

Jungkook didn't know when or how, but he bursted out laughing, almost to the point his stomach hurt and his eyes moistened.

"What's so funny? Thought you wanted me to be grateful to you?" Seokjin asks.

"Well Yes!" Jungkook shrieked admist laughter. "But you're just so dramatic!"

Seokjin chuckled at the thought as well.

They arrived at the grand hotel faster than they had imagined, and Seokjin was more than grateful for that. Because all he wanted to do, was take a much needed shower and get a long ass sleep. Although he had an early shedule the very next morning, and it finally clicked, maybe it was indeed time he hired another personal assistant for the company. So Jimin would always be available to accompany him on his business trips.

Jungkook alighted the vehicle alongside Seokjin, and they were greeted by the door leading up to the tenth floor. The elevator ride up was quiet, way too quiet for Jungkook's liking actually.

"So what time do you leave tomorrow?" He asked, striking a conversation to break the deafening silence.

"Hmm, I think eight in the morning. Why? You still want to go with me even after wearing you out today?"

"If I stay back at the hotel, there would literally be nothing for me to do" Jungkook feigned.

Seokjin drew closer to Jungkook, until he was caging him with his wide frame. "Aww will Jeongukie be bored all alone?" He attempted a joke, slightly pouting inbetween while tucking some of Jungkook's stray hairs behind his ears.

There was so much a deeply falling heart could take, and to Jungkook, he decided that in this very moment, his poor heart had indeed taken enough.

As soon as Jungkook caught the sweet wiff of Seokjin's cologne, he reached up, wrapping both arms around the mans neck to bring their faces close enough, before willingly and intentionally slamming their hot lips together in a kiss.

I'm so damn happy right now, because I swear I was having writers block all day concerning this particular chapter. So finally being able to actually write it? I'm so ecstatic phew! I hope you guys enjoyed it too?

SHE'S THE MAN (Jinkook)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu