Those Hours When Everything Quiets Down

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Jennie awakens to the sound of rustling sheets and a dip in the bed. She feels the corner of her lips pull up in a tiny smile and sighs contentedly.

She waits a few seconds and soon enough, after some more rustling, she feels soft fingers tangling in her hair, brushing through it ever so softly and settling on her nape.

A few light scratches. Jennie almost purrs in contentment.

"Welcome back baby," Jennie murmurs, her voice husky from sleep and sounding far away.

She tries reaching blindly towards Rosé but her hand doesn't quite respond, moving ever so slowly before she feels a cold nose under her fingers.

She wants to pinch it, but can't find the strength to do so, and her fingers end up sliding down the slope of the other girl's nose, tickling her in the process.

Soft giggles fill the silence of the room, and Jennie feels her heart swell with something warm.

She squirms closer, but it's not enough. She wants- needs more.

"Come lie down with me already," she whines, "I missed you."

Rosé sighs and mutters something sounding like "Such a whiny baby", and her fingers trail on Jennie's nape, finding sore spots and pressing on them softly to ease the tension away.

Jennie could just go back to sleep right there and then. She lets Rosé know with a soft groan.

"You love this whiny baby, now come on already," she cracks open an eye and finds Rosé leaning over her, a fond smile on her face despite the obvious tiredness in her eyes.

She pouts to get a kiss, but Rosé laughs and shakes her head, leaning down anyway to smooch her nose.

Jennie is ready to whine again, until she feels the other girl's hand stroking behind her ear, and she all but melts into the bed with a contented sigh.

"I'm coming babe, I just need to get ready for bed and I'm yours, promise."

The warmth behind her ear disappears, but Rosé makes sure to tuck her in safely before she's gone to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as she takes off her suit.

Had it been when she was more awake than this, Jennie would have whistled or made a flirty remark; but right then, in the middle of the night, at hours when everything feels quiet and like a dream, she can only admire her girlfriend and think about how lucky she is.

Rosé's skin glows in the light of their bathroom, and Jennie's breath catches in her throat. It's like art, watching Rosé move with such grace even though she's only doing her nightly routine.

Rosé catches her staring and shoots her a smile, and a terrible but adorable wink. Jennie gushes before shoving her blushing face in her pillow.

She can still hear Rosé giggling, though, and that's enough to get her to look back, settling on her side as she waits for Rosé to finish.

"Hey baby," she begins, clearing her throat slightly before continuing, "what kind of animal do you think you'd be if you were one?"

"I don't know, what do you think I'd be?" Rosé answers easily, tying up her hair in a ponytail as she switches on the faucet.

It always warms Jennie's heart, seeing Rosé play along with her random questions and always listening to her so well.

"I think you'd be a cute chipmunk. Because you're so cute and you have cute cheeks," Jennie says, rolling on her back as she looks up at the glow in the dark constellations Rosé and she stuck to the ceiling when they moved in together.

(Jisoo had called it childish but Lisa had swooned, calling it romantic, and Jisoo had quieted down immediately after.)

"And you're always so adorable, even when you're grumpy, and I don't think anyone on this planet doesn't like baby chipmunks, just as nobody can dislike you. You're just so loveable, you know."

Jennie sighs.

"Sometimes I don't know how I ended up so lucky to be with you."

She's rambling, and she doesn't know how she went from talking about baby chipmunks to how lucky she was to have Rosé, but it seems like Rosé gets what she means anyway, because suddenly she's by her side, sliding under the blanket and pulling her close until her cold nose is poking at Jennie's neck.

"You know it's always been you for me," Rosé mumbles, her voice even softer against Jennie's skin.

It's enough - as it always is, for Jennie. Rosé never says much but her words resound with honesty and love, keeping Jennie's insecurities away.

Jennie turns back on her side, bringing her arms around Rosé and trailing her fingers through her hair slowly, just the way she knows Rosé likes it.

She ends up lightly massaging her scalp, as her other hand strokes Rosé's back.

This makes Rosé relax against her and nuzzle even closer to her neck, a soft whine escaping her lips in happiness.

"Hi, Rosie," Jennie whispers, eyelids starting to droop and heart content to have the other girl finally in her arms.

Rosé tangles their legs together in response.

"Hi babe, I'm home," comes her answer, and Rosé presses a kiss against Jennie's pulse point, tickling her and making her giggle before she pushes her back softly.

"Welcome home," Jennie smiles, wishing she could print this image of Rosé forever in her mind - so cute, secure and smiling in her hold.

She doesn't have any time for that though because Rosé leans close, their nose brushing together as she presses a sudden kiss on Jennie's lips, who tightens her hold and immediately kisses her back, trying to convey how much she loves her.

Jennie can never have enough, she decides.

Kissing Rosé always feels like a fire consumming her - from the tip of her toes to the top of her head - her whole body tingles and her heart burns with desire and love - something she thinks she'll never run out of, not for Rosé, her one and only, the girl she couldn't ever imagine a life without.

But it seems like Rosé thinks the same, because she's drawing patterns on Jennie's back, and even though her mind is a mess as always when Rosé kisses her, she's almost sure Rosé's spelling 'I love You's ' on her skin.

Jennie is the one who breaks off the kiss, for some much needed air. Rosé groans softly and peppers her face with small kisses instead, her fingers digging into Jennie's waist.

"I love you," she murmurs against Jennie's ear, making her spine tingle.

Jennie smiles sleepily, brushing Rosé's hair to the side and kissing her forehead lightly.

"I love you too, so, so much."


It's soo fluffy I'm gonna die

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