Chapter 39

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Skylar's POV

I feel so much better now. It's been a couple of weeks, and I'm really like a new person now. All those negative thoughts are still in my head and they appear in the most unexpected moments, but I see progress. I eat more, there are definitely less sleepless nights, and me and's just perfect between the two of us. I finally moved in with him! Laura didn't really want me to go but I promised that we would see each other often.

When it comes to Mr. Thomson... I told Ace. He was furious, but fortunately didn't do anything stupid. He made a phonecall and said that he took care of it so I could go back to my uni. I was quite sceptic and wondered what happened to my teacher, but I think I don't want to know. Besides, Ace sweared that he didn't hurt him, although he wished he had, and that's enough for me. Despite all the things Mr. Thomson did, I don't want anyone to get hurt.

- So for how long will you be gone?
Lena asked.

I called her and Olivia, and we were talking now.

"I don't know, a few days." I replied while packing my clothes to the suitcase.

Today we are flying to Italy, on Ace's cusin's weeding. I'm so freaking enthusiastic, but at the same time agitated. I hope that I won't do anything stupid and that...they will simply like me.

- Jesus, I wish I could go with you...

"Yeah" I sighed.

- But you don't seem to be very excited about that?
Liv said.

"Noo, I am, but...I do hope that I will not blow the gaff. There will be his grandparents and cousins...his whole family. I would really like to make a good impression." I said and put the last piece of clothing to my suitcase.

- Sky, don't worry. It will be great, I'm telling you. Now, have you already packed everything?

"I guess so." I put my hands on my hips and scanned the room to see if I forgot about something.

- Good. When will Ace be back?

Just as I was about to answer, I suddenly heard the front door open.

"He's just come back home."

- Okay, so we will not bother you anymore, go to him and have fun guys!
Lena said but then Liv added

-Of course not too much fun, we don't want to be aunts very soon.

"Jesus, you two and your comments." I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway.

When we finished the call, I put my phone on the shelve and squatted down to zip up my suitcase. Suddenly, Ace walked in and I looked up at him, smiling.

"Hi, baby. Have you packed your suitcase yet?"

He just came back from work so he was wearing a black, elegant suit and white shirt. I don't know what it is, but there's something hot about men in suits. I got up and Ace walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest, and kissed me on the lips.

"Yeah, I think so." I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear, scanning the room one more time.

"I really can't wait to show you Italy."

I turned my head towards him and I was greeted by the huge grin on his face. I giggled.

He always looks so cute when he is excited about something. His eyes twinkled and those heart-stoping dimples of his appear on his cheeks. Ace was staring down at me, and I couldn't help but admire his perfect face.

"I can't wait either." I cupped his cheeks and placed a soft kiss on his red lips.

We had still some time to eat lunch before our flight, and then we left Ace's flat. Well, I should rather say 'our flat' now, since I leave here with him as well. When we managed to the airport, a very huge, and very fancy private jet was already waiting for us.

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