Chapter 12

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Skylar's POV

Monday wasn't that bad as I expected.
I was in a really good mood today and I think many people could notice that. 

"Hey" Flynn whispered and I faced him. We were sitting on the lecture. "There's this party on Friday. Will you come?"

"Uhm I don't know, you know that it's not my type of scenery."

I didn't want to go to be honest. The last few Fridays I spent partying and I finally wanted some peaceful evening. Preferably with a good book in my hands. Or with my friends.

"Oh come on, it will be in my friend's house. She's really cool."

"I wanted to invite my best friends to hang out together. I haven't seen them for a while."

We talked only on FaceTime and our  conversations weren't that long because either I had to study, or they were simply busy. I want to catch up with them.

"Well, you can take them with us. You once told me that they like parties." He suggested, smiling at me.

I sighed. I didn't want to meet Chloe again or other annoying people. But I'm certain that Liv and Lena would rather spend their free time having fun and not just sittting with me at home.

"Okay" I said defeatedly and Flynn grinned at me triumphantly.

"Please be quiet." Our professor said and we stopped talking, focusing on making notes.


Our classes came to the end and now I was going towards the entrance. I was a bit disappointed when I didn't see Ace anywhere. Well, he didn't say specifically that he would wait for me after classes but still...

I decided to go for a walk instead of taking a bus. The weather wasn't that pleasant today but I just love walking.  When I was about to enter the building where my flat was, I heard a deep voice behind me.


"Jacob, hi." I said, turning around.

He was wearing a white t-shirt, black trousers and black jacket. He was looking at me with a small smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you for a while." He said, coming closer to me.

"Uhm, yeah, I guess."

I looked down at my feet, chewing on my cheek. I didn't know what else to say.  He is cool but sometimes too straightforward and...intimidating.

He suddenly grabbed my cheek slightly and lifted up my head so I could look at him. A half-smile on his lips.

"I think you own me a walk, don't you think?"

I didn't even had time to reply.

"She doesn't own you anything."

I knew who it was. I would recognise his voice everywhere. I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist instantly and I looked up at him.

Ace was looking good as always. All in black, obviously, and his brown, silky hair was glistening in the sun. He must have come straight from his work because he was wearing his black suit.


His jaw was clenched and he was breathing fast.

"Oh, hello Ace. I was just talking to Skylar. We wanted to go for a walk. You can go with us but I ain't gonna lie that I'd rather you not." He came closer to Ace and smirked cockily.

Wrong move mate

Why do they always have to act like that?

"She isn't going anywhere with you.  Fuck off and leave her alone." Ace said in a deadly tone.

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