Chapter 42

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Skylar's POV

One year later...

Life can be very unpredictable. Many things can change, some people go, some of them stay. We make mistakes, learn from them, gain new experiences, collect memories, laugh and suffer.

I've always pushed everyone away, acting like I don't need them. I thought that I'm better off alone. I thought that I found comfort in being just with myself, in being lost. When in reality, all I wanted was love, and someone who can show me that I can be loved too, and appreciated, and simply worth all the efford.

I had been broken for so long. The littlest things scared the living shit out of me. It felt as if I was in a big, black hole and there was no escape from it. However, I think I kind of wanted to stay in that hole. After every time someone hurt me, I crawled back even deeper until I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. I used to lock myself there, feeling absolutely worthless. But I felt safe there.

No one could hurt me.

Now, I feel so blessed. I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, wonderful people, and that's what I need. I'm a strong woman. I've been through so much shit in my life, but I'm here. We need to learn how to look at the world around us and see beauty in everything.

I was in my and Ace's flat now. As I was making dinner in the kitchen, I heard a soft crying, coming from the bedroom. I quickly put a spoon on the chopping board and went upstairs. When I walked into the room, a little baby was lying on our bed wrapped in a soft, pink blanket. I put my knee on the bed and took the baby in my arms gently.

"Someone has woken up, I see." I said softly "Good morning, Mia." I pressed her little head to my chest and stroked it gently.

She was so tiny. Everyone always says that the best smell is the smell of a newborn baby and I never understood what all the fuss was about, until Mia came along. Laura asked me to watch her daughter today, because she had an important exam. She didn't drop out of studies, and I always try to be there for her whenever she needs me. She is an amazing mum. I really admire her.

Babies sleep most of the time, so when Mia fell asleep again, I decided to clean up a bit. I didn't want to just sit there like a bump on the log. I even had time to read a book. They say that books can make you wiser but well, maybe it doesn't work for everyone. Let's hope that one day I will wise up. Keep your fingers crossed, people.

Suddenly, I heard someone ringing the doorbell. I put my hand on the handle and opened the door, being greeted by Laura. She rediated with happiness.

"Hi! Where is my little baby?" She clapped her hands and walked in, making me roll my eyes but smile anyway.

"Wow, I missed you too." I closed the door and turned around, walking towards the kitchen where she headed to.

"Aww, you know that I love you, bitch. If it wasn't for Marco, I would have already married you." She winked at me and I chuckled.

"Mia is sleeping now." I said and she nodded, grabbing an apple and sitting at the table.

"Soo, have you packed yet?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think I have everything."

Ace and I are flying to Italy today. He wanted us to go somewhere, spend some time with each other and relax. The last few months were really hard for him and he was barely at home. He deserves a couple of days off.
He has been acting weird recently. He seemed tensed and I really hope that everything is great in his company.

Ace's POV

"Get the fuck out! And don't you dare come back here without those fucking papers!" I shouted at my secretary.

His sunflowerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz