Chapter 5

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Skylar's POV

We spent a good couple of hours at the shopping mall. Laura and I bought some new clothes there. She forced me to buy three dresses, two skirts and two tops. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping but what I don't like is spending my money on something I don't need. And I definitely don't need such an amount of clothes. She, on the other hand, bought half of the shops and if I hadn't dragged her out of there, she would have bought even more.

"I'm so exhausted." Laura said, throwing herself on the couch in our living room.

"Yeah, me too." I said, laying down on top of her.

"Hey! You're heavy and you're crashing me, bitch!"

I laughed. "You asked for it. Next time when you want to go shopping with me, remind me that it's not a good idea."

"Yeah, remind me that as well." She chuckled and I got off her.

"Do you want me to make some dinner?" I asked, raking a hand through my hair.

"No, at least not for me because I'm going to Alex today so I'll be gone for a while."

"Oh, where are you guys going?"

"To his house." She said smirking and I instantly regretted my question.

I pretended to gag, making her giggle.

"Oh come on, once you have a dick inside of you, you will crave it more and more. It's just a human nature and it's totally normal. That's how we function."

"Well, I definitely don't function like that." I snorted.

Laura just chuckled, shaking her head, and disappeared into her room. She's impossible. But what a boring life I could have without her.


Laura has already left and I just finished my dinner. I made pasta with tomato souce and put some grated cheese on top.


I never liked cooking and always tried to keep aloof from the kitchen, but since I started leading my student life, I had to learn how to cook eventually. It's fun though. My ten-year-old self would have been surprised that I actually said that.

After I ate, I called my parents and then Lena and Liv to catch up. We talked for a while. When I was at the mall with Laura, I bought my mum a silver necklace for her upcoming birthday. I hope she will like it. I remember when she said that she lost her previous one so I thought it would make her happy.

Later, I did my homework and watched TV. I was a little bored and I craved something sweet so I decided to go to a doughnut shop, which is ten minutes from our flat. They have the best doughnuts in the world there. I didn't change my clothes. I was still wearing my black shorts and an orange top from the morning shopping with Laura. I tied my hair into a ponytail and went outside.

It was something around 6pm. Despite the fact that it was already September, the weather was still nice. While I was walking, I was watching people passing by. I always wonder what their life looks like. Do they have a job or still go to school? Do they have a family? Do they go through tough times now? Are they happy? Everyone has their own families, their own problems, secrets and their own life. They could be the next president or a murderer and we would have no idea that we walked past them.

I continued walking. A cute café caught my eye and I made a mental note to come here one day. But then, something else caught my eye, or rather someone. I stopped at my tracks, interested in what was going on. Ace was sitting at the table with some guy. They were acting suspecious. The guy gave him an envelope. Ace opened it, nodded his head approvingly, and handed it over to another guy who was standing behind him.

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