Chapter 36

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Skylar's POV

The whole weekend passed awfuly slow. I didn't leave my bed, only when I had to. I barely ate, and showered maybe once. I had neither the strength nor the motivation to do anything. My mum called me on Sunday, and I had to act as if everything was just great.

It's a really terrible feeling when you have to pretend in front of your loved ones that nothing is bothering you when in reality, you're screaming inside, but I don't want to burden others with my problems. I have always coped with them on my own and I should be able to cope with them now.

Without anyone's help.

Jacob texted me a few times asking if I was feeling okay. Who would have thought that we would become friends. At the very beginning, I think I was kind of scared of him. And now, here we are.

It was Monday now, I sent a message to Ace around 3am or so, but he didn't reply. And don't even ask what I was doing at 3 am. I have not been sleeping well recently. I'm exhausted, bugs visible under my eyes, I feel weak.

My first classes were cancelled so I had some spare time and decided to visit Ace. I got dressed in my black trousers, black boots, white jumper and grey coat and went outside. The weather was nice today. The complete opposite of my mood. I could feel the sunshine on my face, the birds were singing somewhere in the distance. However, I took a taxi because it felt as if every next step, made me more exhausted. I really need to take a nap when I come back to my flat.

When I finally reached my destination and a huge, glass building appeared in front of me, I went inside. I stepped out of the lift and headed towards Ace's flat. While walking along the corridor, I felt a little nervous. I wasn't sure if he wanted me there, I didn't tell him I would visit him after all. Maybe he wasn't even inside, maybe he was at work. But I already arrived so what's the harm in checking.

I stopped at the door, took a deep breath and knocked. I started fiddling with my hands unconsciously.

Why am I acting like that?

It's Ace

My Ace

He will be happy to see me. I'm sure he will be happy.

Suddenly, the door flew open and a huge smile appeared on my face, but that smile quickly disappeared when I saw who opened that door. Elle was standing in front of me, wearing...Ace's shirt?? After a few seconds, I think she realised who I was and she smirked at me.

"Oh hi! Please come in!" Elle said happily, obviously faking her enthusiasm, grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

She walked passed me and now we were standing in front of each other. She crossed her arms over her chest and was staring at me confidently as if she owned this place.

"To what do I owe this pleasant visit?" She questioned with that cocky smile of hers which I wanted to rip off her face so badly.

But only my inner Skylar was furious. I was boiling inside and wanted to throw her out of the flat, but I'm too shy and pathetic to show my real emotions. I'm always scared and prefer remaining silent and invisible in many situations.

"I uhm, Ace here?" I asked quietly, squeezing the strap of my handbag tighter.

"Oh yeah, he's taking a shower now."

Her smirked grew even bigger.
Shower? I felt like the air got heavier. I started to feel hot and my body started shaking a bit from these nerves.

Breathe, Skylar. Just breathe.

"Oh uhm okay, could...could you-"


I was cut off by Ace's voice coming from the left.

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