Chapter 8

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Skylar's POV

"Hii!" Lena and Olivia squealed when they both gave me a huge hug.

"I can't breathe" I managed to say and they pulled away, giggling.

"We missed you, crackhead"

"I missed you too, loosers" I replied with a playful smile. "Come on in"

They walked into the living room and took in the sight of it "This is your flat?! It looks amazing!" Lena exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Thanks." I said and suddenly Laura walked in.

"Hey guys, this is Laura, and these are Lena and Olivia." I introduced them and we sat on the couch all together.

"So, you're that famous Laura we've heard a lot about." Liv said, offering her a genuine smile.

"The one and only." was Laura's reply, with a cocky grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes, with a clear amusement in them, shaking my head.

"You study together?

"No, I study psychology." Laura answered. "But my uni is not that far from hers."

"Ohh that explains a lot!"

"What does?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"That she managed to get you out of here and took you to a party" Lena said, laughing. "I'm sure she used some psychological tricks."

The corner of her mouth quirked up.

"Nahh, she just needed a little push"
Laura grinned at me, hitting my arm playfully.

"Girl we've tried that so many times and we failed."

"Hey, just a reminder. I'm still here, you know?" I pretended to be insulted and crossed my arms over my chest, making them giggle.

"Soo guys..." Laura started but I interrupted her.

"Oh noo, I know that look. She's up to something."

She chuckled "Oh, hush! Actually, I know a fancy club near here. We can go if you want. Get to know each other. It's Friday night after all."

"Hell yess!"

Lena and Liv were rapturous. They like to party and every occasion to dress up, is a good occasion. I was really hoping for an eventless evening though.

"Noo, Friday doesn't equal clubs or parties. Can't we stay here and watch a movie?" I asked pleadingly.

"Oh come on Skylar, have some fun! Don't act like some old, lonely woman."

And obviously, they won. I hate myself sometimes for not being able to say 'no'. But we will be together so what can goes wrong. Besides, maybe they're right. People my age do those kind of things. They go to clubs, drink, meet new people, simply have fun. I have to live my life!

We've done our make-up and got dressed. Lena and Liv borrowed some clothes from Laura. They were acting as if they were attending some fucking gala. I could go in my sweatpants and sweatshirt for all I care. Lena and Laura were wearing similar dresses, both black and strapless, and reallyyy tight. I don't even know how they can properly breathe in those things.

Liv has chosen black, high-waisted shorts and silver top. I, on the other hand, was wearing black, leather skirt and white blouse with quite big neckline. A little too big if you ask me but the girls said it looked good.

We took the last glance at our appearance in the mirror and went outside. We took a taxi. During the whole ride, they were squeling and saying how excited they were. I couldn't help but smile at them because they were exhilarated like children in a shop full of toys.

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