Chapter 13

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Skylar's POV

Today I woke up in a shity mood. Do you know that feeling when nothing's really wrong but nothing's really right either? It happens to me a lot. There are days where I just feel so bad about myself and want to just stay at home and cry. I try to be strong but being strong for too long is so damn tiring. Pretending that everything is right and putting a fake smile on your face every, fucking day.

I try to be that happy person who always smiles no matter how bad my day is, but I feel like my soul is sad and broken. It's weird. I'm fighting my own shit in my head and nobody even knows about it. But like we all do. That's why we have to be nice to people and smile because we don't know what that person is going through right now.

I hate it when people look at me. I feel uncomfortable and always wonder what they are thinking about me. That I look fat? Or this dress doesn't really suit me? Pain changed me a lot. Sometimes I wish I could be the old me again. I miss that Skylar.

My thinking was interrupted by Flynn who was trying so hard to make me smile.

"Oh come on! That joke was really funny."

"Flynn, not today okay?"

I sighed and went back to making notes. Or rather doodling.

"Skylar, what's wrong? Maybe I can help." He said with a sad expression on his face. God, I hate when people are sad because of me.

"I'm just having a bad day, that's all. I think everyone has every right to feel like that sometimes."


Our teacher said, casting us that look which was supposed to be intimidating, I guess. I hope she knows that she looks like Edna Mode from 'The incredible' movie. I glanced at her and the corner of my mouth quirked up a bit. I rested my chin on my hand.

"I know that something is bothering you and I wish you could just trust me and let me help you." He whispered.

That's the thing. I've become very private person and don't like to share my problems or feelings with anyone. I don't trust easly. Sometimes I think that I even don't trust at all. Even if I did trust, I would prefer staying silent because no words can explain the shit that's going on in my head.

"Flynn, I'm fine. I promise." I smiled at him tiredly and turned my face towards our professor. He sighed but dropped it eventually. He knows how stubborn I can be.

After that, I wanted to go to the bathroom before my next lecture. I heard my phone ringing and I started rooting around in my back, when I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going!"

I lifted up my head and saw Chloe.

Just perfect.

"Sorry." I mumbled and walked past her quickly. I don't have the energy to deal with her right now.

When I reached the bathroom, I saw that it was Laura who was calling me earlier. I decided that I would call her back when I finish. I did my business and started washing my hands.

"How are you, Skylar? We haven't seen each other for a while."

Ugh, what does she want now?

I looked at Chloe's reflection in the mirror. She was dressed all in pink as usual.

"Uhm I'm fine, I guess."

She came closer to me and crossed her arms over her chest. Her plastic boobs on full display.

"I've heard that you and Ace have a thing."

Well, it's not your goddamn business, bitch!

"Yeah, we are together. How do you know him?" I asked when I finished washing my hands and turned around to face her.

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