Chapter 22

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Skylar's POV

It was Wednesday today. A few days ago I called my parents and told them about Ace. They asked me so many questions and my mum wants me to take him with me when I go to my mum's birthday. I don't know if he has time or if he simply wants to, but I decided that I will ask him about it later.

I just finished my classes and was heading towards the entrance. Snow was falling from the sky and it looked wonderful. When I went outside, I saw Ace's car parked in front of my uni and him, leaning against it. He was wearing is black suit and a white shirt.


When he noticed me, on his face appeared this beautiful smile which makes my knees weak every time I see it, and I couldn't help but smile at him too.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked when I came up to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in a kiss, melting my heart completely.

"I wanted to see my gorgeous girlfriend." He said with his cocky smile and I blushed a bit. "How were your classes?"

"Uhm quite interesting. I didn't have any boring lectures today." I said truthfully.

"That's good." He looked to the right briefly and looked back at me. He seemed like he wanted to say something. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Something's wrong?" I asked

"I uhm, I visited Andy yesterday." He replied and on his face appeared a small smile.

I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That's great, Ace. He must have been really happy?"

"Yeah, he was. He was asking why I left him all the time though. I had to make up some stupid excuse." His smile dropped a little.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Everyone gets lost sometimes." I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb.

He lifted up his head and looked at me. He was gazing at my eyes and I was doing exactly the same thing.

"You have such beautiful eyes, Ace." I said quietly. His lips tugged in the corners.

"I like yours more." He grinned. "Actually, I'm visiting Andy today and I was wondering if you wanted to come...with me." He looked a little hesitant like he was afraid that I was going to say 'no'.

I can tell that it is new to him and I can see that he is trying to change. For me. As he promised. Opening up to people or showing them his vulnerbility isn't something he does, nor he wants to do. Acting like a damn king who is not afraid of anything and acting like you don't care about anything in the world, can give you some kind of power. People don't know your weaknesses and less of them can hurt you. They have respect for you which Ace values so much.

I nodded my head eagerly and said "I'd love to." He sent me his huge grin and kissed my lips softly.

"Let's go then." He opened the door of his car for me and let me in.

In the car we were talking about some random stuff. Ace put his hand on my thigh and it stayed like that until we arrived. The house looked like a freaking mansion. It was huge and white. We got out of the car and I was just staring at it with my eyes wide open. Ace grabbed my hand and said

"Come on."

We started walking and I admired our surrounding. There was a big garden and I could imagine how incredible it looks in summer when the grass and trees are green and there are plenty of colourful flowers everywhere. We reached the door and Ace knocked.

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