Chapter 24

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Skylar's POV

During all this time, Ace was watching me curiously. I tried not to make an eye contact with him. I wanted to cry so badly but I had to hold it back. He made quite a good impression on my whole family. Especially on my grandma. But who wouldn't like Ace? He is funny, handsome, confident...
Just perfect.

"Skylar, can you show me where your room is so I can leave my things there?" Ace asked and I panicked. I couldn't be with him alone.

"David, show Ace where my room is. I need to help mum." I said and quickly stood up so he didn't catch me.

I knew that I would have to talk to him eventually but I wasn't ready to do it now. I saw that he wasn't pleased with my attitude and he was starting to lose his patience but I was angry too, okay?

After some time, I felt so overwhelmed and I couldn't smile and pretend that everything was fine anymore. I noticed that Ace was conversing with my dad so I swiftly stood up and went upstairs to my room. I ran my hands through my hair and was pacing around nervously. There were so many thoughts in my head that I thought it would explode. It was becoming really hard for me to breathe and I was on the verge of tears.

Apparently, that is how many women act when we are frustrated. That is our way of dealing with all those emotions. Just crying our eyes out. I know that when It comes to me, it's mainly caused by my anxiety. Everything just terrifies me and I get overwhelmed easly.

Suddenly, I heard that I got a message. I came up to the bedside table and grabbed my phone but then I noticed that it wasn't mine. It was Ace's.

We have a problem, boss. Stefano's people found out about the shipment. They stole some boxes with cocaine and heroine. The rest is untouched. ~M

I couldn't believe my eyes. This was getting better and better. Why did he lie to me? Why doesn't he tell me anything? I guess, I am really no one important to him, just a girl he wanted to have some fun with.

I put his phone back on the bedside table and walked up to the window. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to steady my rapid breathing. That was when I heard someone walk into my room. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Skylar, enough. Tell me what's going on. Did I do something?"

I turned around and when he saw my probably red face, his eyes softened. He wanted to come up to me but I stopped him with my hand.

"Don't!" I said with gritted teeth.

"Baby, what happend?" He asked and wanted to approach me again.

"I said don't! I don't want you near me!"

I was crying so hard right now. I couldn't stop my tears.

"Please, talk to me." Ace pleaded.

He looked worried and really nervous but why would he? I didn't mean anything to him after all.

"Talk to you? About what? About all your lies or all those things you were hiding from me? About the drugs you sell although you said that you didn't do it anymore!? Or about a little detail that you once loved Elle although you said otherwise!"

Ace was looking at me with grave sandness on his face. His lips formed in a thin line.

"About the fact that Elle was Jacob's sister? Or that you two were engaged? Ace what the fuck!" My voice was shaky and my throat hurt from crying. "Why do I have to find out about stuff from people and not from you? Am I that not important to you?" I whispered the last thing.

"Skylar, I can explain."

"I'm sick of your explanations, Ace!"

"I didn't want to tell you about the drugs because I didn't want you to stress about it!" He shouted and started waving his arms around.

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