Chapter 37

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Skylar's POV

Apparently, we dream every night. We don't always remember it, though. Our dreams can be happy, sad or odd. Hearbeat, respiration and eye movements begin to slow down, your muscles relax and you are taken to a completely different world.

I like dreaming. Who doesn't? We can act out our unconscious desires in our heads, because acting them out in the real life would be not acceptable, or impossible, or weird.

I felt something on my cheek. It was nice. It felt as if someone was caressing it with their hand. I slowly opened my eyes and then I realised that I must have fallen asleep.

Wow, progress

I rubbed my still not fully open eyes and I heard a soft giggle next to me. I turned my head to the left and saw Laura.

"Hi, sleepyhead." She grined at me and on my face appeared a smile too.


I sat up straight and Laura pulled me in a hug. She looked great. This trip has done her good. She seemed to beam with happiness.

"What are you going to do at night if you sleep during the day?" She asked, still smilling.

Oh you know, just watch some film or read a book, since I can barely sleep at night

"I love sleeping that I don't mind doing it during the day, as well as at night." I said and she chuckled. "Soo, tell me how was the trip? And most importantly, where did you guys go?"

"Marco took me to fucking Paris!" Laura threw herself on my bed, looking at the ceiling dreamingly.

"To where?! Oh my God, that's great!" I said excitedly and lay down on my stomach next to her.

"Yeah, he took me to all those incredible places, we ate breakfast on the grass under the Eiffel Tower and during the whole weekend, I felt like in some kind of fairy tale." She looked at me and I smiled. "Not to mention about a completely mindblowing sex every morning, afternoon and of course at night."

"Eww, I didn't ask about that!" I pretended to gag.

"You asked me how was the trip so I'm telling you!" She laughed and I joined her. "But how are you? Where you bored here without me?"

"Very!" I chuckled.

"Marco is coming over tonight. He will take some food, will you join us?"

"No, don't worry about me. I won't interrupt you guys."

"Oh stop it, I spent two days with that asshole, I missed you." She sent me a smile and we hugged each other once again. I haven't seen her since the gala day because she was with her parents and then on Friday evening, she went on that trip.

After some time, we went to the living room and were talking while waiting for Marco. I told her about the gala and that it was pretty dreadful. When he finally arrived, he joined us in the room and we put on some film. Marco brought some food with him as Laura said, but I didn't want to eat. Every time I looked at it, I felt disgusted.

We didn't really pay attention to the film. They were telling me about Paris, all the things they saw and places they visited. It was trully nice to look at them. They were laughing all the time and constantly touching here and there. You could tell that they were happy.

"Skylar, are you even listening to us?" Laura's voice pulled me out of my thoughts

"Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out." I beamed.

I noticed that Marco was looking in my direction watching me intently. He had that soft expression on his face and looked as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how. Finally, he spoke up.

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