I pulled my ringing phone out to ignore the call. It was just YaYa again. She texted me over a million times to. "Dude just answer the phone you didn't come back home last night I just wanna know if your okay Quez!" Her texted flashed across my screen.
I pulled up the only female number I knew I could trust.
"Hey baby girl I need you to do me a favor!" I sent first before going to Yaya's messages. "I'm fine I just been tied up with something, I'll be home later!" I sent.

"What's up?" A text came back in.
I texted back what I needed and she sent me the okay emoji and I cashed apped her 2 stacks. I think that was gone cover everything.

Smooth got out the car and ran into a hotel as we waited in the car.

I didn't get a chance to thank you back there but thank you for everything.....you saved my life! She said leaning in to kiss my cheek. It caught me off guard which made me look into her beautiful eyes.

How old are you? I questioned as she took her hand off mine.

I just turned 20 last week. She sighed. I was just so confused on what happened in her life that led us to here.

Ight so boom! This y'all key this mine we across the hall from each other don't bother me, I won't bother y'all! Smooth said getting back in the car, he parked than we all got out. This was a nice lil hotel I ain't never been to this one but it was cool. I grabbed Chanel's hand and we got on the elevator up to the 14th floor. Smooth had got us some penthouses and I was here for it. I opened the room door and Chanel was in such awe.

You can have that room ima take that room! I said pointing to the rooms. She nodded her head and started to head over there. "You hungry?" I asked as I picked up the hotel phone and menu.

Yeah I can eat... she nodded. I ordered some basic breakfast. I was starving. Usually I done made a whole buffet by now after I know YaYa left.
A huge knock filled the room on the door and It made her jump.

Go get in the shower! I suggested. She was extremely hesitant at first but she did as so. I opened the door and here this loud mouth muthafucka stood popping her gum. "Come in!" I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the site of all these bags she had. "The hell is this Kayla?"

Dude you said go shopping that's what I did! What's the problem?

The problem is I said shopping not buying the whole damn store.

I didn't and I need some money.

I just gave you money!

Noooo you gave me money to shop for who YaYa? Or you cheating on her?

I'm not cheating on her!  What the hell is wrong with everyone thinking that dumb shit.

Well you know I don't like her so you should.

We ain't gone last too much longer baby sis don't worry about it. You picked up them meds too I asked you for?

Yeah! She digged in her purse and took them out. "Who is Chanel Johnson?"

Mind your business bro damn.

This is my business you asking me to go buy some clothes and shit and pick up some
Other girl meds I just wanna know!

Nobody you just nosey as hell.

I'm not nosey I just wanna know who around my brothers that's all. She know you got money? Cause bitches like to come on to you for money. I ain't sayin no names but YAYA!

Would you quit bringing her up! I don't wanna hear her name.

Okay okay okay! Look I bought all these cute clothes. I didn't know who you wanted me to get them for or what they style is but I got a few nice and basic things.

Thanks.! Ima cash app you for doing this for me.

Yeah okay you better my time and early morning ness not free Quez.

Shut up and get out. And go say Hi to your brother while you here!

Oot not kicking me out already! She must be on her way. Or that's her getting out the shower? Kayla smirked.


Okay okay okay, I love you big brother! She said hugging me and kissing my cheek. I hugged my little sister back and walked her to the door.
She had bought Chanel so much shit. I looked in the Walmart bag and grabbed some underwear and pajamas out and sat them on Chanel's bed. I knocked on the bathroom door to make sure she was okay. She was in here for a long time.
I pushed the door open and Chanel sat on the shower floor with the most hottest water hitting her body her skin could melt off. I turned the hot water down and helped her up and she was drenched in tears and water. This girl had some serious shit going on.

No matter how hard I wash or how hot the water is, this feeling of being dirty and rapped will never go away! She sang breaking down crying. Her body was covered in bruises.

I took the rag and poured soap on it I started to wash her up gently it was seeming to calm her down. Someone rapped her and left her for dead. It's all making sense now. She let me wash her hair and it was so long and beautiful. I turned the water off and helped her out wrapping a towel around her body. I assisted her out the bathroom and back into her room.

Look I just had got you a few things. You gone be chilling here for a min if that's cool with you.

Thank you..... she sat on the bed holding her towel and I excused myself from her room closing the door. What the hell was I doing? This was to much for me to even handle.

I sat on the couch putting the food down on the coffee table that room service just brought up.

Chanel came out the room fully dressed. The clothes had fitted her perfectly. It's crazy to me that I've messed with so many girls over all my years that I can know they exact size.

Come sit down and eat! I suggested and she came and sat right next to me. "You can have whatever you want!" She picked the plate of pancakes and bacon up. I smiled at her and she gave me a small smile back.

Thank you! She said before taking a bite of food. I turned the tv on and the fire place up cause I see she was shivering. I wrapped a small blanket around her to make her a bit more comfortable.

You can stay here as long as you need to it's on me! I said grasping her attention from her food.

I don't wanna be a burden or anything....

Can't be a burden if I wanna help! I know you ain't put yourself in that alley and I know for a fact that you don't wanna go home so you gotta be going through something serious.

Look I don't know what type of trouble I'm
In or what type of trouble I'm gone be in.....

Talk to me!

I don't know....she started to cry she had so much hurt and frustration built up in her. I pulled her to me and held her. "When I got home yesterday from this party with my friends. All my house lights was off. My mom car was gone....she's always been jealous of me. I always knew she hated me and always chose my sister over me. She waited for me to get out the shower and locked me out my bedroom. That's when she started with me...she kept trying to hit me and take my towel. She threw me down two flights of stairs. And dragged me by my hair and into the basement. She held me down on this dirty old mattress. When I stopped fighting her I was surrounded by so many men. They was naked and I could just feel all of there eyes on me. The one guy started beating me up and than each one of them took there turns with me some even twice at once. And when it was over they ejaculated all over my body, face, and hair. I was humiliated I was hurt.....my mother took a needle and stuck it in my arm. I don't know what it was but it made me so dizzy and sick.....when I woke up I was in the hospital with you!" She broke down crying. My heart had hurted for her.

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