Stealing kisses under covers

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The sun was peeking through the blinds causing Jennie to stir. She blinked a couple of times to adjust to the morning light. The brunette looked at her bedside table to see the clock read 8 am. She groaned quietly, it was too early to be up on a Saturday.

She closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than to fall back to sleep. When she couldn't, she frustratedly stretched with a pout. Movement from her right caused her to look over.

Her wife was sleeping peacefully.

Jennie admired the blond haired girl's beautiful features. Her hair was up in a bun and some stray strands down, framing her face perfectly. Jennie thought it was beautifully unfair her wife looked so delicate even with messy hair and her bare face. Jennie's eyes fell on her wife's cute moles on her soft cheek and Nose. She wanted to lean in and kiss it but didn't for the fear of disturbing her wife.

Her eyes traveled from Rosé's cute nose to her soft lips. The more Jennie gazed at her wife the more a soft smile formed. Next Jennie followed the slop of her wife's exposed neck and clavicle.

Between the two Rosé wore more masculine clothes, such as suits. However, in rare moments, Rosé would wear softer clothes. Sometimes it was a dress she pulled out from the back of the closet or a cute blouse Rosé said she felt pretty in.

Jennie loved Rosé in anything she wore. She loved her sharp button-ups, she loved the cute cozy oversized hoodies that she liked to wear with the hood up even if they were inside, and she loved the few times her wife wanted to show her softer side.

Like now, the blond haired girl who usually wore an oversized t-shirt to bed was wearing a white silk nightgown. The thin straps left Rosé's slender neck, elegant collar bones, and bare shoulders on display.

Jennie basked in the thought that she was the only one to see Rosé like this. That she was able to see all the different sides of her wife.

The smaller girl noticed the sun rays had slowly stretched across their bed and soon they would be in her wife's face. Wanting to protect her sleeping wife Jennie pulled the blankets over their heads.

Jennie watched with a smile as the blond haired girl nuzzled her head into the pillow, tickled by the new fabric on her face.

"It's rude to stare." Came a drowsy voice.

Jennie's smile grew. "I'm just admiring my beautiful wife."

Rosé buried her head into the pillow but Jennie could see the corner of the smile Rosé tried to hide.

"It's too early for you to be this cheesy," Rosé mumbled with her face in the pillow.

Jennie let out a laugh as she kissed her wife's cheek. "You knew what you were getting when you married me."

This time Rosé didn't hide her smile as she turned toward Jennie. "Yeah. I guess so. I'll just have to suffer through."

Jennie laughed out loud. "Oh poor you. It looks like you're going have to suffer through it for a long time cause you're stuck with me."

Rosé started to smirk and Jennie felt her body buzz a little. Loving their playful banter and feeling a little warm at her wife's smirk. She braced herself for the snarky remark she excepted from her wife.

"Hopefully for the rest of my life." The blond haired girl smirked.

Jennie felt her cheeks warm at her wife's unexpected sweet reply. "Now who's being cheesy." The brunette question.

"I guess you're rubbing it off on me." Rosé winked.

Jennie laughed as she leaned in to give her wife a quick kiss.

Rosé smiled and leaned in for another, that Jennie happily gave.

A clang from the kitchen caused both girls to remember there was a world outside of their make-shift one under the covers.

Rosé let out a quiet sigh. "We should get up."

"Noooo," Jennie whined as she pulled on her wife, who was getting up.

Rosé let out a little laugh as she let Jennie pull her down. She then felt the brunette wrap her strong arms around her.

"Who knows what trouble they're getting into," Rosé said as she turned around in Jennie's arms to face her.

"The knives are put up and they know they're not allowed to use the stove." Jennie tried to reason as she kissed the corner of Rosé's mouth. "They're fine." She whispered and placed open-mouth kisses on her wife's exposed neck.

Rosé closed her eyes as she enjoyed her wife's attention. When the brunette pulled away Rosé opened her eyes. It was dark under the covers but she could see Jennie's tousled hair and swollen lips.

"In that case," Rosé huskily whispered as she placed her hands on Jennie's hips and felt the brunette's hands on her neck. "I guess we can stay here for a while longer." Rosé caved as she started to lean in to kiss Jennie.

Jennie smiled as she felt Rosé's nose brush against hers and closed her eyes in anticipation. She felt Rosé's lip's barely touching her's when-

"Mommies!" Followed by pitter patters from the hallway stopped the two moms.

Jennie groaned as she felt Rosé pull away.

"Now it's time to get up." Rosé smiled as she gently patted Jennie's thigh.

Jennie let out a small whine, upset she couldn't kiss her wife.

Rosé chuckled as she heard Jennie's cute whine and made a move to sit up as she heard the tiny footsteps getting closer.

Jennie who was known for being stubborn stopped Rosé before she could get out from underneath the covers and stole a quick kiss.

Proud of herself she shot up in bed while throwing the covers off over the both of them. She smiled triumphantly at her wife, who just laughed and rolled her eyes at Jennie's silly behavior.

At the same time, the door had burst open and two little girls ran and jumped on the bed.

"Mommies!" They both yelled.

"Hi, babies!" Jennie excitedly greeted.

Rosé watched fondly as her wife pulled their two girls into a hug once they had crawled close enough to the brunette.

"Mommy we're making pancakes!" One of the girls happily said.

Upon closer look, Rosé could see both girls had pancake mix dusted on their cheeks and hair.

"That sounds delicious Ella!" Jennie replied matching their five year old enthusiasm.

Rosé laughed as she reached over and brushed Ella's cheek. "Such big girls making breakfast." Rosé praised.

Upon hearing her mom, their other little girl crawled from Jennie's arms to Rosé's lap.

"Good morning Lia. Were you helping your sister make pancakes?" Rosé smiled as she brushed the little girl's hair.

Lia proudly nodded and both moms laughed as the movement caused some powder to lift from the little girl's hair.

"But we need help," Lia said with puppy dog eyes. Both moms cooed at their daughter's cuteness.

"Well then let's go make some pancakes!" Jennie yelled. Both girls cheered, as Ella scrambled off Jennie's lap.

Jennie and Ella raced towards the kitchen as Lia turned to look at Rosé.

"Come on mama!" The little girl urged as she grinned at her mom.

"Okay, okay." Rosé smiled as she got up still holding Lia.

Rosé smiled as she heard her wife and Ella laughing in the kitchen. She chuckled at how fast Jennie could change from wanting to stay in bed to be just as energetic as their kids.

Rosé hugged Lia a little tighter as she thought about how lucky she was to have two beautiful little girls and a wife who loved to steal kisses undercovers.

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