Only you can heal each other!!

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Parvati Ma'am? asked a stunned Akash. You- you are his assistant right? I saw you on that day when he rescued me. Nothing happened to my Dev ji right?  said Parvati grabbing Akash by his collar. Ma'am I...Akash couldn't complete his sentence as the doctor came out from the I.C.U ward and both Parvati and Akash was beside him immediately to ask about his condition. Doctor how is he? Did he gain consciousness? Parvati bombarded him with questions as each passing seconds was killing her inside without knowing the condition of her beloved. First of all calm down Ms. Parvati the calm and elderly Doctor replied and made Parvati sit on the nearby chair. Nurse bring the First aid please, the doctor ordered the nurse beside him. But Doctor....Shh...the Doctor made her quiet by keeping his  fingers on his lips, as if stopping a small baby from crying or making any noise. Then from the first aid kit which the nurse brought he started cleaning and dressing her hand from which blood was oozing out. Your Dev ji, he is absolutely fine, though I can't help but say what he did was utter selfish and idiotic. But no need to worry okay? This is my word he is perfectly fine and will regain consciousness after few hours, as he has made lots  of cuts and bruises on himself because of which he has lost lots of blood. Cuts and bruises? asked Parvati with tear filled eyes, her heart bleeding more knowing that he self harmed himself. Even though she was into deep depression she never once thought of harming herself as there was people who lived for her, loved her.... Then as if thrown by a cold bucket of ice water Parvati realized that they both had their own war and demons to fight for...but her Dev ji ....he was alone by himself, no one was there for him to reach out, for him to rely on or lean. He was there left alone, cold, punished, and  thrown into abyss of darkness for the things on which he too didn't have control on to some extent as he was manipulated by her.

The doctor watched as Parvati was in a deep thought, who was trembling by each passing seconds as more tears was falling out of her doe eyes, as  goose bumps aroused in her body knowing how much her Dev ji has been put through. If she was living a broken life... Dev was living worse...he was living in hell. Parvati, no more tears ok? The doctor sad by wiping her tears, thus bringing her back from her thoughts. You both had have enough! You both have gave each other pain and scars. And only you both can heal each other and fight each others demon's.  Isn't it obvious that you both are made for each other. How many times you both were separated under many circumstances, yet fate brought you two together again and again! How do you know all of this? asked Adwait who all along with Vrinda and Shrinkhal came just few minutes ago trying to catch up with their daughter who ran after hearing the news about Dev. Oh! Mr. Adwait Singh? the doctor acknowledged. How I know? Actually apart  from being the chairman of this hospital I am also the personal Psychiatrist of the person who is lying inside I.C.U.   Psychiatrist? Vrinda voiced. Yes, your son is suffering from severe Depression , he is suicidal  worse than Ms. Parvati here, he pointed out to a perplexed Parvati. He was living in hell, guilt was eating him up day by day. When I first met him he was completely drunk and was ready to jump off a cliff. Since then, I owned him as my own son , tried to heal him which only helped him to some extent. But I don't know what happened, what triggered him that he ended up here, said the Doctor hurtfully and accusing Dev's family. H-How...Adwait's words were cut off by Doctor, my son is perfectly fine Mr. Adwait giving no chance for Adwait to speak. As I was saying I could only heal him upto some extent, only you can completely heal him and mend each other only you can complete each other Beta! said the doctor looking lovingly and hopefully towards Parvati,

                                                                                                                                To be continued........................ 


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