A new start

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Will you forgive me? He asked..Can I forgive him after doing such things? But can I really hate him, can I really see him drowning in guilt?No!! I really love him too much, and that too blindly....I sighed.
I-I forgive you..I stuttered. I'm not someone who would always dwell on the past and as you said past is past and can't be changed, so I forgive you I said softly.
Why? Why are you so innocent and kind? he asked me shocked, I assume he thought that I would not forgive him.

I-I love you.. What? I know that you love Meera but I don't like to tell lies so I'm letting you know that I love you and it will hurt a lot to see you with another woman, but I-I will support and help you with your relationship. And will also help you to find a way to get rid of this marriage...I said in a go.

Huh? Girl are you even your senses? I can see Dev Ji is shocked beyond limit by my decisions. Yes! What the use on holding on to a unrequited love, and being a third wheel so...
How can you be so selfless Parvati? asked Dev Ji with tears in his eyes. That's called love I thought.

What about Meera? Huh? You said you love her madly, what about Meera does she have the same feeling as you?
WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I flinched hearing his cold and angry voice.
I-Im sorry! Its just that I don't like anyone doubting her feelings for me.. he said by sensing that I was scared. It pained me a lot knowing how much he loves her.

Parvati! Lets start a new, Friends? He asked me forwarding his hand. Yes I simled timidly by returning his handshake. Okay so you can now stop calling me Sir! you know he said stressing the word "SIR". Th-then what should I call you? Hey! Relax! Why are you always stuttering around me? I'm not going to hurt you anymore okay? And I'm really sorry for doing that earlier, and I regret it by seeing you flinch and stutter everytime I'm near you, so Relax! I'm your friend now right?

Yes Si- See here you go again with "sir". But you only ordered me to call you that I said innocently, but regretted saying that by seeing his expression which looked pained.
Leave it and say what you'll call me? He seems too interested to know what I'll call him I thought. You can call me by my name you know. No, no you are elder to me so I can't address you by your name. But it's the new generation era right? you don't need to be such orthodox. But I really don't like addressing you by your name. Then call me what you used to call me earlier, why are you not mentioning it, I was waiting for it you know..Dev Ji..he said imitating me. Ah! Now I remember I only told you to do that also, said Dev Ji smiling weakly. But you now can call me Dev Ji only, because I like it and no one has ever called me like that even Meera though she is also younger than me.. again it pained when he mentioned Meera. Should I have to face this every now and then from now on I thought. And you also address Madhav like this only he said irritatingly..Why is he getting irritated? I thought.

Okay Dev Ji I smiled, in which I got a million dollar and handsome smile in return. I really have an intution that everything's gonna be right from now on...
To be continued...

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