Enough is Enough!!

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There's a saying that "when you let anger get the best of you, it brings out the worst in you". And in Dev's case not only he was angry, he was drugged also, he was in such a state that he wasn't able to  differentiate between things, all the things which Meera and David had successfully implanted in his mind was ringing in his ears and and he lost it. After David dropped Dev to his place , he rushed to his room with pure hatred and impeccable desire to kill Parvati. And when he saw the poor soul waiting impatiently for him scared to death Meera's words came into his mind and without thinking anything he marched against her again slapping her with such force that she fell in an instance. Sir! you are Drunk ! Please listen to me...she pleaded as she understood that he was badly drunk and was not in his senses. LISTEN? YOU ARE ORDERING ME!!!he screamed and dragged her like a sack and pushed her harshly against the table lamp because of which her head was hit brutally and was bleeding profusely. AAHH! cried Parvati in agony and she was slowly loosing her consciousness. What Meera said was right, you should know the pain which she is going through! You should also know how it feels when you loose your child  which brought Parvati instantly back to her senses and was horrified understanding what Dev was upto. No..No you-you can't do this to me..she whispered-screamed horrified. Come here you slut..I'll show you what a real slut is saying this Dev carried her like a sack over his shoulders and threw her on his bed. Please Sir! Don't do this pleaded Parvati moving backwards with Dev  coming towards her while removing his shirt's button one bye one and cornering her like a hunter does with his prey. What no? You are my wife right? You should do your duties as my wife smirked Dev and hovered above her with Parvati's futile attempt failing to push his bulky frame from her. Please cried Parvati miserably don't taint me...which was answered  by Dev with another slap and locking both her petite arms with his one arm above her and forcefully kissing her. She was trying hard to remove her hands from his firm grasp but was failing miserably with Dev griping her more tightly enough to leave bruises on her little wrists. And with another free hand he started to grope her everywhere to such an extent that Parvati was  disgusted with her own self. Once she understood this isn't helping her, she stopped struggling which resulted in Dev to free her hands as he thought that she gave up and started to unbuckle his pants which was a golden opportunity for Parvati and without wasting her  time she grabbed the vase on the side table and smashed it on Dev's head. AAHH!! Dev cried in pain touching his head whereas Parvati pushed him making him fall from the bed and ran from there. 

KNOCK!KNOCK!KNOCK!!!Parvati was now in  front of door of her in-law's bedroom. VRINDA MA!! screamed Parvati scared crying vigorously. Please open the door!! What-What happened Beta? asked Vrinda accompanied by Adwait who were shocked to see their daughter-in-law in such condition. Bleeding forehead, disheveled and torn clothes,  scared and terrified as if she saw some ghost. Parvati? Beta what happened? asked Vrinda coming immediately by her side and supporting her to stand properly as she shaking like anything with fear. Here drink some water Adwait said by forwarding her a jug of water which she gulped as if she was thirsty for years, by the time every family members gathered around  in front of Adwait's and Vrinda's Bedroom hearing the chaos. YOU WHORE!! came Dev's loud voice as he came now behind her all wobbling and falling at every step he take. What is the hell is going on here? Adwait asked utterly shocked and angered by hearing Dev addressing Pravati as Whore. It's all because of you all! declared Parvati tired with everything. What do you mean? asked clueless Adwait. Yes Father! From the day I was brought here as your daughter-in-law till now I was enduring each and every abuse, each and every insult which your son gave me said Parvati pointing towards a blacked out Dev without knowing the havoc which he created. But not anymore! And all credit goes to you all. Thanks to you all said Parvati pointing each and every person present there and clapping her hands like a mad woman. Especially you Grandmother! Don't you know times have changed so do rules and regulations? , had you not compelled him for this marriage, for this stupidity which you call as traditions then today I won't here molested and nearly raped by her own husband! accussed Parvati. Just because of your so called traditions you all have destroyed 3 lives! Dev Ji... your son doesn't love me! He is in love or should I say was in love with Meera before we even get married and stills loves her. Because of her he never loved me, he abused me, he even hired his own brother to rape me , so that you all can exile me from here alleging that I have illegal affair with him and now this! He himself tried to rape me. Do you know why because he believes that I killed his child! Child? asked a shocked Shusmita Devi by covering her mouth with her hands hands purely astonished. Yes grandma! and explained everything from their marriage till today. 

Why-why didn't you tell anything to me beta? cried Vrinda completely shattered knowing her own son's monstrous deeds. Why? Because I believed in you all. I believed in him. I believed that Vrinda Ma your child, your son will never be like this, but no! He is a monster!! And enough is enough! I will not and cannot tolerate more than this. DO you all know what the irony is? We both are victims of fate! Just because you all may be disappointed in us , just be for your sake, for our parents  we both came till here. But not anymore I refuse to became a pathetic and submissive wife who tolerates every insults, every abuse just because she doesn't want to hurt her parents, she doesn't want her parent's head to be bowed with shame. No! My Father will be disappointed in me if he comes to know that I endured all this injustice for his sake. So I beg of you as you also have a daughter..please free me from this unwanted marriage said Parvati  joining her hands and breaking down, with a shocked and hurt Family members by her side.

To be continued...

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