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"Come again?" a gasp escapes the latter's mouth the minute you tell her the events from last night

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"Come again?" a gasp escapes the latter's mouth the minute you tell her the events from last night. "You're quitting your job?! Goodness, Y/N! You'll never find a job like that ever again—"

You're walking to your kitchen wrapped up in your velvet robe to grab a glass of water when your sister rushes into your apartment at seven in the morning, giving you an earful. "Sooya, please lower your voice. You're gonna wake up my neighbors." You regret telling her the news over text.

"You're making a big mistake, Y/N. What were you even thinking in the first place? Telling your boss, which by the way, turns out to be the most successful man in the country right now—"

"OK, stop. This isn't about my boss," you lift a hand to stop her as soon as she starts to go off-topic, it's completely biased how your sister disagrees with your decision just because she likes him as the man everyone saw.

Successful, handsome, and like what everyone says every time, "the most sought-after". You could go on and write a book about the great qualities he possesses, because indeed, Kim Namjoon was a good man. You're a witness to that.

Sooya sits on the stool across from you, silently watching you lean against the counter. "OK, talk to me." Her tone softens, feeling like she's the cause of the frown on your face.

You place the glass on the kitchen counter and return her curious gaze.

"Well, I told Mr. Kim that he needed to find a new assistant because I wish to resign," you summarize. "Don't get me wrong, I love my job and Mr. Kim was always good to me, but I just need something new in my life."

"Mhm," she hums, giving you a look. "—And don't forget the part where he helped you pay off your student loans, got you a brand new car for your 21st birthday, took you out of the country countless times, and his parents adore you—" 

"Alright, that's enough, Sooya. This has nothing to do with that." Her words get cut off when you cast her a glare. "First of all, he didn't help me pay off my student loans, yes, he gave me a chance at his company, but I worked my ass off and saved three years' worth of my salary. Secondly, he doesn't take me out of the country for vacation, they're business trips," you defend yourself. "As for the car, I will return it to him when my contract is over." You end without mentioning the part where you got drunk and accidentally spilled the information about Namjoon's parents.

That's something you should've kept to yourself.

"Wait, wait, you're giving him the car back?" She almost jumps out of her seat, and your brow furrows in amusement. "Did he request that you return it?"

"He didn't, Sooya. But, whether he wants it back or not, I'm going to return it," you tell her, turning to the sink to wash the dishes that had piled up from the day before.

You were too exhausted coming home from work at almost 2 a.m., that you rushed washing the gunk on your face and removed the prickly dress before finally falling asleep. Thank God for Namjoon, who offered to drop you off first.

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