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Mother Calls

Dinner doesn't last long, I believe my father wanted to keep my mother safe and it's not like I blamed him either

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Dinner doesn't last long, I believe my father wanted to keep my mother safe and it's not like I blamed him either. Jaejin walked into our shared room and I was right behind him, closing the door behind me. I'm the first one to start stripping out of my clothes, and to my boxers. I pull the duvet back along with the top sheet, sliding into the bed. I watch Jaejin do the same, a soft breath leaves his lips as he slides into the bed next to me. I turn on my side to face him, and he's already present on his side. He was really to cuddle me from behind and go to sleep. It's night but moonlight cascades through the sheer curtains. I can see him enough, I can see that small gold flick in his brown eyes, and his heart shaped lips. I don't think I've ever seen them chapped in my life, except for tonight.

"I don't think I've ever seen your lips go chapped." I inform him of my thoughts and he gives me a half smile.

"They don't have lip balm to send on the go. I just, we needed to talk about what happened. My talk with my father." He explains to me and I nod, holding onto his waist. My lips tighten into a straight line and I feel nervous for the both of us. Was it bad? Was it enough for Jaejin to leave me or even abdicate?

"Jae, what happened?" I ask him, reaching up to grab his cheeks but he doesn't let me. He grabs my hands, holding onto them. Now, I'm terrified. Did Jaejin make a deal? Is Jaejin going to end up with Olivia? Like I always had night terrors about?

"I smoothed it over, for now, Pluto," He told me, while licking his chapped lips, "My father is still on the fence about you." He says softly and I am the first one out of bed. I grab my silk robe with my initials on the right breast pocket, and wrap it around my body. I tie it and turn on the light in the room, looking at my Mate with some ferociousness that I haven't witnessed in some time.

"Because of my mother? Because of my great-grandfather? Who is it, this damn time?" I bark at him, throwing my hands up in the air. He scoots to the edge of the bed, and deeply sighs, running his hands over his face. He looks up at me, crossing his arms over his chest, over those pecs of muscle.

"Pluto, I know we have our differences about this but Pluto, he's my father. Hyunki was my grandfather." He states as if I don't know that already. As if my family's blood hasn't been spilled because of it. As if my family hasn't seen enough of the blood that has been spilled because of the Curse that comes with being a Cha.

"Silver Air was my Kingdom too, Elena and Sena were my grandmothers, and Selene was my great aunt!" I yelled at him, "Is your Kingdom still standing?" I point and snap at him.

"Yes but-" I make a cutting motion across my neck.

"Your Kingdom is still standing. Your parents are alive. Your grandparents lived till their full age. Am I right?" I growled at him and he nodded slowly.

House of Flames & Acid • BOOK I •Where stories live. Discover now