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My Worth

Yesterday, I was a man that was filled with doubts because I couldn't see what Jaejin saw in me

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Yesterday, I was a man that was filled with doubts because I couldn't see what Jaejin saw in me. I wasn't sure if he was going to love me, for me. When he stood up to King Rurik and stood his ground about how he felt about me, it was like my confidence rocketed to the sky. If my brother knew that Jaejin loved me, then why send Rurik on him? We also just found out from Jaejin about our mother not being let go by Minjun a couple of days ago, how did he tell Rurik again? Rurik and Orion must be in more contact than I thought. I put a pin in it and walk down the stairs to the throne room. I decided to wear black pants, black leather boots, a black belt, a gray tunic, with a black vest on top. The black vest has silver buttons but I leave the buttons opened. I tie the gray strings on my tunic that are at the top of the shirt. I see my brother and my father talking in the throne room, probably some King to Heir advice bullshit.

"Next time you send your boyfriend to Jaejin and I, give us a damn warning." I call out and Orion turns around. My father just looks puzzled and sits on his throne while it's still his.


"You know damn well what I am talking about. Sending Rurik on us yesterday when you knew we were going to gain them as allies for when Jaejin takes the throne!" I snap at my brother and he sighs, pinching his nose.

"Pluto, I am just making sure that you are really thinking-" Fire. Ruin. Flames. Sparks. That's all I can think about, and it makes my fire in my veins come out to play. It wants blood, it wants charred skin, and my brother seems a bit too pale for my fire's liking. On both of my arms, the fire starts from the tip of my fingers all the way to my elbow.

"Make sure that I am thinking? For Demis sake!" I yell at him, and Demis is one of our Gods, the most important one since he's the King of them.

"Pluto, language." My mother speaks up and I roll my eyes, I can say any other word under the sky but gods forbid I say Demis' name in anger. She strolls into the room, I've suddenly peaked her interest.

"Have you though? You realize what all those Kings and Queens, shit even the Heirs to the throne are going to say at that meeting? I am preparing you both for what that meeting is going to be like. You should be thanking me!" Orion yells, his vein in his neck looks like it wants to pop out of his neck. The fire climbs up to my shoulders. From the corner of my eye, I can see Nova and Jaejin walking into the room. I notice Jaejin tries to walk close to me but Nova places a hand on him to stay. Have I? Of course I've thought about it. Of course I know what those judgemental brats are going to say when Jaejin announces our bond but what can I do about that? I love Jaejin and Jaejin loves me, it should be as simple as that but in my heart, I know it will never be.

"Thanking you? Thank you?" I tilt my head to look at my brother properly and my teeth are clenching so hard I feel like they can break. "Why would I ever do that!? Not only did you embarrass me in front of them, thinking I need my big brother to size up my Mate? Guess what Orion, I have spent my entire life by myself. Every bully? It was me. I got myself through that. Every judgemental bitch in Black Soul because I didn't have a Dragon? It was me! Guess what, Prince Orion? I didn't need a big brother then and I for sure as hell don't need one now." My chest is heaving, my throat is tight and I am so pissed off at him that I want to cry with the frustration that is running through me. The fire slowly burns itself out and there's no more fire on my body. Jaejin and Nova are still just watching us, my father is too. Orion is looking at me with those cold eyes, stoic, and his lips in a straight line. So I push his chest and watch him stay still as a statue. My mother has a frown on her face, her arms crossed over her chest, and she looks like she's close to saying something else, but nothing. Again, it's nothing.

House of Flames & Acid • BOOK I •Where stories live. Discover now