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Eclia Meeting MXXII

After the standoff with my in-laws, Anastasiya and Rurik came to get the four of us

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After the standoff with my in-laws, Anastasiya and Rurik came to get the four of us. Rurik seemed to have a stoic look on his face, and almost a scowl when he looked at Minjun. I'm guessing nobody ever told King Rurik that he has to play nice and be neutral with the other Kingdoms.  Rurik guided us through the hallways and through the House of Ice. Ana was standing right next to him, their hands together, and walking in time together. Everything about them was in sync. Rurik was one to lift up his free hand and to flick his wrist against the office doors. The double doors open, scraping against the floor, and opening to a room full of Eclia leaders. I walk in and the room is huge, an obvious meeting room with the big roundtable in the middle of the room. There's chairs all around the table and everybody is sitting, except for Nova. She's standing behind my father's chair, up against the back wall, against the bookshelves. She holds her hand up and gestures for me to stand against the wall with me. So I walk to the bookshelf and I stand next to Nova.

"Trouble with the in-laws?" Nova asks me in Embery, and thank the Gods she does. I'm not really wanting to explain everything in Draconei. From my view in the back, my father is at the end in front of us. From his left and circling around it goes: King Devyan Naidu, Princess Kiara Naidu of Baingani Storm, King Minjun Cha, Prince Jaejin Cha of Black Soul, King Asad Elmi, Queen Eniko Kardos-Elmi, Princess Calaso Elmi of Dahab Mountain, Queen Anastasiya Vasiliev, King Rurik Vasiliev of Bely Glacier, King Diego Serrano, Prince Néstor Serrano of Turquesa Costa, Queen Khepri Badawi II, Princess Lapis Badawi of Alsada Shadow, and finally on my father's right side, King Souta Aikawa along with Princess Setsuna Aikawa of the Shinchu Fire Kingdom. All of them are here, it reminds me of the day when I came to Red Blaze. It reminds me of when I saw most of these Kings around my father's round table when I first saw my father after how many years. Anastasiya is the first to clear her throat and all heads turn to her.

"This year is Bely Glacier's turn to host this year, meeting number 1022, and here is to another year of a meeting of Eclia leaders," All the leaders applaud and Ana smiles, "I'm going to implement a new recording system that way we don't need a transcriber from the outside no longer, just a device that we can put with the other files in case we need to go over it once again."

"Did King Rurik spend too much on his shoes again, Queen Ana?" It's Prince Néstor Serrano who makes the jab, Orion, and Rurik smile.

"Not this time, Néssie." Rurik winks and Néstor rolls his eyes at the ridiculous nickname.

"Okay boys," Ana rolls her eyes, "It's just a recording and camera device. Sounds good? Any objections?"

"Why not type it up? Isn't it easier than watching us and waiting for us to say something about the certain information you are looking for?" It's my Uncle, King Asad Elmi.

House of Flames & Acid • BOOK I •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora