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White, Red, & Black

It's the next day and I don't waste time

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It's the next day and I don't waste time. Jaejin and I are heading to Bely Glacier for a meeting with Anastasiya and Rurik but Jaejin doesn't have Seung with him. So here I am in the stables with Orion and we are looking for a double seater saddle. Jaejin offered to go bareback and the way my eyes narrowed made him change his mind. He knew better. With the way that Jaejin knew me like the back of his hand, he should've known not to make such a joke. As if I would ever ride bareback or even let him ride with no saddle to harness him in. I was in the closet in the Stables, we are looking for the saddle and Orion is quietly humming to himself as we look for it.

"So," Orion says and I look over to him, "How do you feel? Jaejin being here?" He asked me and I grabbed the saddle, placing it on top of the counter in the closet. I huff as I unwrap the reins that were attached to them and sigh as I look over to him. How do I easily tell my brother that I have no idea how to feel about Jaejin coming to say he loves me. That Pluto Kwon would've been over the three moons that roam the sky but, Pluto Kardos? I can't speak for him. It's like the words are on my tongue ready to be expressed like I always tell but they fall short. It's hard to find the words that will make sense to Orion. As far as I knew, Jaejin was helping Zsoka, my adoptive mother, with breakfast. He seemed wary about me leaving with my brother but Nova was quick to shut down that attitude. She told him,'You've had 15 plus years with our brother. We've had three. Back off, Cha.' I didn't exactly argue with her. I knew better.

"I'm.. I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, happy that he's here. Happy that he knows I am his Mate and that we can be together now, gods know how long I have been waiting for Aphion to bless my prayers." Aphion was our Queen of the Gods, she was the goddess of motherhood and love. I prayed to her when it came to Jaejin more times than I liked to admit if I was being honest. The Pantheon was really only one of the things that we kept from the Fae Bastards that tried to take from us.

"But?" Orion prods.

"Do you think he expects me to be like the other Queens? Obey his word? Take care of his children? Does he expect me to.. I don't know. Change myself? I can't do that, Orion. I'm not the same.. I'm not the same boy that I was in that Castle. I'm not Pluto Kwon anymore, I'm a Kardos. I'm a Pyromatic. I'm the first Kardos who isn't an heir to do full-body flames for fuck's sake!" I sigh heavily, I'm not meaning to raise my voice but it happens. I've always been attracted to fire but now it makes so much more sense why it never burned me. The fire lives in me, as it does with my father, and all of the wonderful Royal beings born before me in my family line. Fire has a mind of its own, it always has, especially when my hand is the one to conjure it. Fire is purifying, it was always taught to us as a change, a new beginning, rebirth. It always makes me wonder when I had those full body flames in that forest in Black Soul if that was my rebirth. My brother puts his hand on top of mine, squeezing it.

House of Flames & Acid • BOOK I •Where stories live. Discover now