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Castle Curse

I was speechless

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I was speechless. I didn't know what to say to my brother. He was being a dick, a guarded dick at that because he didn't want to lose his family again. It made me want to punch him in the jaw and my fingers couldn't stop twitching. All I could hear was JJ's voice, his calm, and steady voice, wrapping around my heart and my mind. I needed to calm the fire inside my veins but it didn't feel like they were going to calm at any point. My brother and I stared at each other, heavily panting.

"I don't want to see you. Get out." I breathlessly told my brother and hurt flashed in those eyes but I didn't care anymore. I was getting hurt with every minute I spent in this god-forsaken Castle.

"Pluto-" He tried touching me and that's when I lost it. My body was engulfed with flames and my brother didn't flinch away. It made his blue eyes go soft and made him step closer.

"Orion. I'm serious. Leave." I quietly told him and he tried to touch me.

"Boys, much as I would love to see you two make up," My father interrupted and I looked at him, the flames just burned. "My court wants to meet you. Confirm everything. You being my son, a Dragon Rider, a Royal, the Lost Prince of Kardos." He said and I gritted my teeth. Of course, they did, of course, I was getting no fucking peace today.

"Sure, why the hell not, Dad? Just what I wanted to do today. Argue with the biggest dick on the planet, and then go see your court, a bunch of assholes who can stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Can we go now?" I barked and my father was fighting a smile. Bastard. Nova snorted, trying not to laugh at me. I calmed my flames and my brother was just staring. "Get your eyes checked, I am not just some marble statue you can stare at." I snapped and I walked out of the room. I walked to the guest bedroom which was slowly becoming my room. I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on my face.

"Why do you do that? Every time you get overwhelmed, you always splash water on your face." Jaejin tells me with a laugh, gosh he was so dorky looking. Junior year, JJ was hot. Junior year me? Not so much. I was the biggest nerd. Big black frames on my face and my first battle with acne.

"It calms me. It's like it shocks my face and it just reminds me to breathe. Why? Is that weird?" I asked him and he smiled at me, that damn smile.

"Pluto, you okay?" I look up and see my mother has her hand on my shoulder. I nod slowly.

"I'm good. I just- I needed a breather. I was just thinking." I tell her and she nods, rubbing my shoulder.

"Okay well, change your clothes, you're meeting the Court of Flames today." She said with a smile and I sighed. She walked out of my room and I decided to change into nicer clothing. I pulled on black slacks, white shoes, and a red button-up. I fixed my hair again and took a deep breath. I walked out of my door and there was my father, I looked so much like him. He changed into his King-like clothing. He even wore the crown on top of his head. It was kind of mesmerizing to look at, not going to lie.

House of Flames & Acid • BOOK I •Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu