𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑦-𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟 | 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛

Start from the beginning

We wanted to meet up at 11 a.m. because Mason and Zeth said we should go into town, which I definitely don't refuse. On the way to the ice cream parlor, I quickly pulled out my app and looked up what all the varieties are called in Spanish, going through them a few times when I got in line.

When it was my turn, "Hola fresa, limón y el helado de café, por favor {hello, strawberry, lemon, and the coffee ice cream, please}." The man nodded and took a waffle and put a scoop on it.

"Hola Aurora." I looked to the side and saw Carlos. I smiled at him and took the second ice cream in my hand. "And you still don't feel like it?" I laughed. Some guys really don't check a no. "No, sorry." I took the last one and was about to get the money out when he made my arm down. "It's fine, I'll do it."

"Otra menta por favor. {Another mint please}." "No, I can pay for it." I hate it when someone does that. "No, It's alright, enjoy your vacation." He took his ice cream and then left.

I rolled my eyes. And just walked backward when I licked my ice cream and turned around. "Are you having fun?" I rolled my eyes where I see Ares through my glasses and walked past him.

"Aurora, I know that I messed up." He walked next to me. I laughed out of anger because he called it so mild and licked my ice cream. "Messed up is an understatement, don't you think?"

"Yes it is, but you have to understand I want to make it up to you." "I gave you the choice that day. If you leave I will never forgive you, those were my words, you're gone, Ares. " I stop and look at him.

"I cut you off because I couldn't watch how I hurt you." is he kidding me? "We were happy. And the only thing which hurt me is when you left. The days after all I felt pain. You never hurt me when we had each other, you hurt me when you ended it like it was nothing. Now let it go." I took my ice cream and pressed it on his cheek, leaving him there and walking on as Quinn and Dylan's ice cream melted.

Ares thinks he was doing me a favor by leaving me, full of tears and disappointment, but that wasn't a favor, it wasn't until he left that he hurt me with his disappearance. I felt used like a slut. A naive bitch that he only uses to fuck. I was scum to myself.

That hurt me. He hurt me by starting to hate myself. "Here." I held the ice cream to the two where Quinn was sitting on Dylan and was now massaging him.

But he got up immediately when I wanted to hand him the ice cream. "Thank you." They ate it as soon as I grabbed my towel. "I'll go in and get ready." both nodded.

Then I walked into Mason and Zeth's big white villa. So rather Sook. But the pictures of their father hang here not like in their house.

So it seems like Sook has never been here since Yong's death. In the kitchen, Mason and Zeth were clearing out the groceries. When they saw me, "I'm going to take a shower, then I'll help you two." I informed them, but Zeth shook his head. "No, don't worry, we'll do it. Go take a shower."

I smiled. "And what happened to you?" I looked towards the back entrance at the glass door when Mason asked Ares.

He covered his mouth and tried not to laugh out loud. "I missed my mouth, it's obvious a girl with an ice cream got me..." he couldn't continue because Zeth and Mason were laughing their ass off. I grinned too. My beautiful art.

"Apparently you deserve it. That girl could be proud of herself." I said. "Yes I did, and yes she can, but I'll keep trying because she is worth it."

My grin dropped. "Maybe you just let her? She probably doesn't want you." "I won't let her because I lost her once and can't do it again. Don't worry Aurora, she likes me, only the hate is stronger right now."

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