"How did you sleep?" I asked him "awesome! I was so comfortable the whole night you can't even imagine it!" He said and sat back up "that's good Eli, you needed that" I said and finished putting my shoes on. "I guess so" he said and slightly smiled before dropping back on my bed.

"I just need to brush my hair and do a little makeup now, I'm almost done" I said and walked to my vanity. "Be done now!" He said whining "Eli shhh" I said and turned around quickly to face him. Our faces were not far away from each other.

We stared at each other for a few seconds then suddenly he moved closer and put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I became nervous and got butterflies in my stomach. I cannot catching feelings for my one day, stranger, psycho boyfriend but he makes that a little hard.

"What? You got nothing to say now?" He said and tilted his head innocently. I slightly nodded. I tried leaving his arms so I could finish getting ready but my body wouldn't allow me to move.

"You have no idea of how bad I want to kiss you right now" he said and grabbed a strand of my hair then played with it. Have fun with him, he's having fun with you.

"Why haven't you?" I asked and tilted my head "because once I kiss you I won't stop" he said and continued playing with my hair. "Then don't, Eli" I said and made him stop touching my hair by purposely putting it behind my ear. "Jane..." he whined and looked deeply into my eyes "mhh?" I questioned and tilted my head.

"I can't, not now" he said and let my waist go. Play his game Jane.

"Why?" I asked "because, just not now love" he said and gave me a kiss on the forehead "okay" I said and nodded then looked up at him and back down. One day boyfriend.

I then walked to my vanity and sat on the chair that was there.

"Don't be mad love" he said and sat on my bed "Eli I have no reason to be mad, you wanted to kiss me" I said and looked at him through the mirror. He held back a smile. "I did, but I don't think I ever will anymore" he replied. If he didn't want to kiss me yet it was genuinely fine with me. "Maybe that's better" I said and looked at myself "you like to talk" he said "I don't, you just don't seem to know what peace and quiet is" I replied and looked at him once again. His smile had faded. "You're mean" he answered "isn't that what girlfriends are supposed to do?" I asked "no, not the pretty ones anyway" he says "stop flirting with me Eli" I said and chuckled "you're also boring" he said.

I said nothing back then grabbed my hair brush and started brushing my hair. "What are we going to do today" I asked him and looked at him through the mirror "whatever you'd like" he said.

"We should go swimming at a lake that we shouldn't swim at because it's illegal but it feels right so we go swimming in it anyway, that's what we should do" I said "okay, but you don't really need makeup then" he said "true!" I said realizing it and got excited "yeah!" He said and his face lit up.

I had now finished brushing my hair so I just put chapstick on and got up from my vanity. "Let's go!" I said excitedly. "Yeah!" He said then it hit me. "WAIT!" I whispered aggressively "what" he said confused "my parents and my siblings!" I whispered and slapped my hand across my face.

"It's okay, I'll go out the window!" He said and started walking towards the window "no!" I said "what? Why?" He whispered "the window that is under my room or the room that's under my room has a window and its the kitchen, my family's in there right now" I said and thought of another way to sneak Elijah out.

"Fuck" he said and started pacing in my room. I then heard footsteps coming upstairs. "Fuck! Hide!" I said and pushed Elijah behind my bed he fell and made a loud bang so I pretended to fall just incase the door swung open. "Ja-Jane!" My dads voice said getting closer to my room "yeah!" I said replying to him "can I come in" he said and knocked on my door.

"Yeah" I said and got up from the floor slowly so when he opens the door I would still be getting up. "Are-are you o-okay?" He questioned me "yeah, I just tripped and fell" I said and kind of laughed "oh ok-okay" he said and smiled. "Dad I need you to do a favor for me, and please don't be mad, nothing happened" I said and was about to tell him about Elijah "y-yes wha-what h-happened are you
o-okay?" He said concerned. "I'm fine dad, come in here and close the door please" I said and pulled him inside my room.

He closed the door behind him and stood there awkwardly. "I need you to help me sneak out the guy that mom got onto me about last night" I said awkwardly and scared on what he was going to say "J-Jane, he's here!" He said and started panicking.

"Yes dad, I promise, I put it on my life that nothing happened" I said wanting to make it clear to him. "Okay, good,
w-well where is-is he?" He asked and started looking around my room.

"Elijah come out please" I said and looked behind my bed. It took him a while but eventually his head popped out from behind my bed and so did the rest of his body.

"Hi sir" Elijah said and walked over to my dad shaking his hand. "Hi, I-I'm Janes dad" my dad said and shook Elijah's hand "it's great to meet you" they both said at the same time and stared at each other.

"Dad, now, we need to get him out now." I said to my dad then he looked at me. "Right! O-okay! So umm, y-you will go out through t-the window in my room-room okay, a-and we'll both go in-in there to h-hide you while you do th-that okay, and then once your out kno-knock on the door and s-say that you do yard-yard work, we've already done it-done it so Lauren is going to say n-no and to come b-back another time. You g-good?" My dad asked Elijah and told him what to do.

"Yes sir" Elijah said and nodded. Now the only hard part was going to be to get Elijah in my mom and dads room because it was downstairs and everyone was downstairs. "We c-can do t-this" my dad said and proudly smiled "yes, let's go" I said wanting to hurry.

"No, you know what, while you are trying to get Elijah in the room I'll distract mom and the kids" I said
"ye-yeah yeah, go" my dad said and pushed me out the door and once I was out he waited for me to get in the kitchen.

I headed to the kitchen where my mom and my siblings were so I started talking to them about things I was going to do today or something random just so my dad and Elijah had enough time to get into the room. I continued talking to my mom and I soon saw my dad an Elijah going into my parents room. That's when I started talking more.

Soon they were both in there and the door was closed once again. "Alright well I'm going to go turn my car on" I said and started walking to the living room. "Wait baby, try this" my mom said and gave me a piece of food "it's great mom, I'll come home to eat some of that but I have to go okay" I said and walked out of the door to where I found Elijah hiding behind my porch.

"Forget the whole yard work part and let's go" I said and told him to get in my car. He got in then I got in and I drove away from my house as quickly as possible.

"That was fun" he said and laughed loudly "for you" I said and slightly smiled "very" he said and brushed his hair back with his fingers. I started playing some music and soon we were both singing it. "I need to go take a quick shower before we go, turn here" he said and lowered the music down.

"Okay" I said and followed his directions to his house.
"Okay, try not to talk to anyone too much" he said and got out of the car anxiously "I won't" I said and looked up admiring his home. "Eli this is beautiful" I said and continued looking at the house. "Thank you love" he said and open the door to his house.

There was no one in there so I followed him to his room.

"I love your house" I say and continue following him. "Thank you, it's great just not the memories that lie here" he says and opens the door to his room. "Welcome home" he says with a big smile on his face. "Thank you" I say and walk into his room.

This didn't feel like a high schoolers room it's felt like a grown man's room. "I love it" I said and looked around. His room had a high ceiling with windows behind his headboard that were cover my curtains.

His closet had glass sliding doors and was right next to his bed but it had no clothes. It was dark in there but yet very visible. His bed was half the size of my room which amazed me because my room was pretty big. "I love it here Eli" I said and smiled at him.

"It'll be where you are most of the time from now on so, good" he said then pushed me on the bed with a rag up to my face. I soon blacked out.

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