As shortly as everyone again got busy chatting and debating things with one another, Taehyung stealthily pulled his mate to their shared bedroom. Instantly closing the room, the fellow draped his arms around his waist — subtly enough to not hurt his rib wound. Jungkook gently placed his sweater paws over the erstwhile's chest with a blush crept over his lips.

"Why are you so endearing?" The male charged in whisper-fully before drawing him closer. Taehyung thus placed his chin over his shoulder. "Won't you answer?" he rumbled further before commencing to mark his previously marked spot.

Jungkook giggled at the sensation he felt over his neck, but—the two directly pushed one another off when the room's door was pushed open by their moms. Ahhh, knocking is a system for a reason; thought Taehyung with an internal groan.

The two ladies snickered teasingly at the two before Mrs. Kim chirped, "We won't disturb you gentlemen more. All of us are leaving, enjoy, you two!" she ended and Mrs. Jeon closed the door behind, not forgetting to give her son a smirk before faltering behind Mrs. Kim to catch up with her pace.

Taehyung groaned again and formerly rolled up his arms around his mate's hips, raising him up in the air as Jungkook wrapped his legs instantaneously around his latter's waist. The elder of the two then commenced wandering toward their bed to sit with his mate on his lap. 

"Sooooo, you didn't tell others," Jungkook playing with the other's locks behind started to ramble. "Tell what?" The sigma urged, gripping onto his arse as he balanced himself and the latter in a convenient position. The alpha fellow waited for the elder as he observed him leaning onto the headboard of the bed and circling them with cushions.

As shortly as Taehyung glanced up to his mate, the lad proceeded, "You did not tell the others when you plan to marry me," Jungkook pouted marginally before nonchalantly asserting, "You did not tell me too!" He complained causing Taehyung to chuckle and kiss his pout away.

"I want you to heal properly first," Taehyung subsequently spoke up his thoughts solely to get weak sweater paw hits on his chest; can't believe it's the same alpha fighter who formerly once shoved the sigma a tight punch, and he nearly died. lol — I'm exaggerating it, not dying exactly, but surely his gracious face would have changed its maps.

The older one seized his wrists and hooked up their lips for a gullible little kiss. As the erstwhile appeared to move his lips a bit faster against the other, his phone rang. Will someone, for god's sake, let them have their moment today?

Taehyung groaned dramatically before reaching out to the lamp side for his phone as Jungkook hugged the man in the same position, being all cuddly. "Why is he calling me now? I'm literally on a break!" The sigma's frown deepened at the caller ID as he frustratedly howled once again. "Who is it?" inquired the other, looking back up for the answer. "Mr. Choi.

"Hello?" as soon as Taehyung picked up the call, the smaller figure then again hugged him, appealing for cuddles while planting soft kisses over Taehyung's neck and collarbones. "Sir, I'm on a break!" the fellow continued to argue a little with the individual on the other side of the call — Mr. Choi, a senior in the hospital.

"But- "The call was disconnected and there again, the sigma revealed a tired sigh. "What happened?" Jungkook asked, being inside the elder's loose t-shirt now. Taehyung entirely forgot about everything when he realized where the younger was. "What are you doing, Koo?" he urged, chuckling a little while peeping inside his own tee from the round collar. "It's warm here," the smaller exclaimed, being all giggly about it.

He literally looked like a small cat playing with his owner, uff.

"Is it?" Taehyung crawled his brows as Jungkook appeared out of it and acknowledged him with a nod. "Then lemme go inside your tee too?" he smirked again, bearing Jungkook closer to himself to pick up playful chest hits and the title of being a pervert.

"But you didn't tell me what happened? Why were you frustrated a minute ago?" the younger of the two sincerely sought. "He wishes me to accompany him to the one-day camp," Taehyung rubbed his head, murmuring. "Ohh! That's a good opportunity. You'd get to meet new people and other doctors. You should go!" Jungkook grinned brightly at the former. "But — I took a break so that I could take care of you. Opportunities will keep coming and going," he replied, only to receive a deep grimace from the latter.

"I don't want to be a reason for you to fall behind. I can take care of myself and if you think I can't, I can go and stay with mom and dad until you come back!" the boy puffed in disbelief. After pondering for a bit, the former sighed at the sight of his mate sulking because of him — "Fine, I will go! But you need to promise me that you take care of yourself."

"But — it's only about one day!"

"Promise me!"

"Promise" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he tangled their pinkies and connected their thumbs, sealing the promise. 



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