fifty six

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"Ah, don't do that.." Roman whispered quickly grabbing a towel to catch the child's spit up.

She lightly giggled watching her father panic. Roman shook his head, taking his shirt off then her clothes.

"Do you know how hard it was to dress you this morning? Now I gotta do it all again and you think this is funny.."

Peyton giggled, clapping her hands together. Her toothless smile widened when she laid eyes on Sydney.

The father and daughter were happy to see their loved one unaware of why she'd came.

"What's the address?" Sydney instantly asked.

"Huh?" Roman questioned, confused as he pulled a new outfit out of the diaper bag.

"Which house, apartment, whatever! Just... Where's Tyrone?"

"I don't know." He plainly replied.

"Oh, you're lying for what? I saw your messages on your laptop."

"Why were you on my laptop?"

"That's not the point. You've been in contact with him while I've heard zilch. Nada.. you see where I'm coming from?"

"I do but I won't apologize. 'Cause what are you gonna do if you see him, huh? He left you, baby."

"So why are you talking to him? That doesn't make sense, dad."

"It doesn't need to make sense and you don't need to worry about it."

Just as Sydney went to reply, her ringtone played throughout the room. She looked at the picture then answered.

"Yeah? Now isn't a good time."

"Oh, sorry.. I just wanted to let you know that I got a full scholarship to attend Toledo State University." Spencer said, smiling.

"Yeah, congrats, I'll call you back." She replied, ending the call and looking back to her father.

"Baby that was rude. He was probably excited to tell you."

"Stop avoiding the question, dad. first mom's video, now this... What else are you hiding from me? Oh wait, I shouldn't expect the truth, right?"

"Check your attitude, Sydney. I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to. I tried to be the cool dad and even give you more wiggle room than I should've after everything that happened. But you just keep talking to me like I'm one of your friends. I'm not. Check that shit or we can finish this conversation later."

"How about you check your shit?"

Roman chuckled at her snarky response. Keeping his lips shut, he finished dressing Peyton then turned his attention towards the tv.

Sydney scoffed, annoyed that he was really ignoring her.

"What's the address, dad?"

"You can continue asking that all you want, I won't answer."

"Yeah, okay."

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