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Roman counted the last of the cash, throwing it in the duffel bag.

Flip watched his brother-in-law, leaning against the wall.

"What does Lauren think about all of this?" He asked.

A part of him was curious. He was working with the reason he'd kicked her out for..

"It's none of her business." Roman plainly said, sitting the bags near the door.

"And what do you care anyway? You made it clear you wanted nothing to do with her."

"Come on, man. I may not be around her but I know she hasn't changed. Lay it on me, brother."

Roman sighed.

"She's against it, of course. She found a bag of money a while ago; I mean, we argued, she threatened to take Syd and leave."

"Where would she go?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Flip."

Flip nodded; that sounded like her dramatics. Roman, done with the conversation, grabbed the bags, heading out the door.

He stopped upon hearing Flip call his name.

"Look. I still don't like you but all I care about Sydney. Despite you having your women problems, she was taken care of. I respect you for that. Don't let Lauren make you lose sight of the most important thing in your life."

Back at home, Sydney dipped the paintbrush into the water while JJ talked to his followers on Instagram live.

"Dude, no way! Spin kick is easy. Here, I'll show you."

JJ positioned his phone, getting into the starting stance. Sydney paid him no mind, her brain only focusing on the canvas in front of her.

As the blonde-haired boy performed the move, he lost his balance, falling into the canvas. They both hit the floor, the canvas face down on the carpet.

Sydney gasped, quickly picking it up to see her smeared painting. She felt the need to cry; her artwork was ruined.

JJ rushed to his phone, turning off the live. He looked to his quiet friend, slowly walking toward her.

"I'm sorry.."

Sydney continued to stare at the painting, gripping the paintbrush.

"Syd, I'm sorry. I can- I can buy you a new one. Just tell me how much it costs and I'll get it for you."

"Get out." She spoke.

"I didn't mean to."

"Leave, JJ."

Her voice cracked as the tears burned her eyes. He nodded, grabbing his backpack and leaving.

She sat the painting on the floor, putting on her shoes. Her emotions were still high from everything that had happened.

She and Spencer hadn't really spoken since the Homecoming game. He apologized again, voicing how much he missed her.

All of the stress and chaos keeping her up at night... She needed air; she needed something to take her mind off it.

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