thirty eight

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Grace comforted Spencer as they looked through Sydney's window

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Grace comforted Spencer as they looked through Sydney's window. It had been a few weeks since she'd been shot and she was ready to leave the hospital.

Spencer's concern turned to anger as he turned to his mom.

"She won't talk to anyone; won't say a word. How are we supposed to know what happened?"

Grace sighed, looking into her room.

"She just needs time. You know what it's like to get shot, son. As hard as it is, she has to process and get through this."

In the room, Sydney's mind raced. If she didn't charge Ms. Ruth, Tyrone would kill her. She was in a lose-lose situation. 

She hadn't spoken to him, or anyone for that matter. Her brain couldn't rest between the doctors, nurses, anxious thoughts.. it was too much.


The girl's head turned to the door, spotting the nurse. The woman smiled, gesturing for the visitor to enter.

"You have a visitor, hun. How you feeling?"

Sydney ignored the questions, keeping her eyes on Mo.

"Okay, well if you need anything, let me know."

"Thank you." Mo said to the woman as she passed.

Once the room was clear, Mo's smile dropped when she turned to Sydney. The teenager rolled her eyes, looking back to the crappy TV.

"I was sent to speak with you."

"What do you want?"

"She speaks.. and here I thought you were silenced for life."

"Again, what do you want?"

Mo sat in the chair, crossing her legs.

"Look, if my baby brother cares about someone, most of the time, I don't. However, you are something special. Putting that aside, I've heard that you have been reluctant to press charges."

"Why does it matter?"

"The police need that answer."

"Yeah? I don't care, honestly."

"Well, you should. You were shot, Sydney."

"Exactly! My freaking point! You think being shot is like getting hit with a paper ball?"

"You don't have to lecture me, I know.. but don't you want the person behind bars?"

"I'd rather focus on healing, thanks."

Mo scoffed, becoming quickly irritated with Sydney's behavior. She knew there was no real reason the teenager was shot. Whoever pulled that trigger was aiming for Tyrone.

"Fine. You should know that your friend, Coop, is a prime suspect."

Sydney looked to Mo then shrugged.

"Oh okay."

"You don't care?"

"Not really."

Mo shook her head, sighed in defeat then left the room without a word. Honestly, she didn't care for the girl's opinion. She was being considerate due to Tyrone.

Mo knew that shooting went down one way and one way only. It had to be Coop. Right?

From the evidence she'd collected, all signs pointed to the rapping teenager. It was simply revenge for everything Tyrone did to her.

Mo hadn't considered anything else so finding out that Ms. Ruth was the one behind the trigger shocked her. No one had seen it coming.

The mother of her deceased sons had finally snapped. Even though no one else did, she believed Coop about Tyrone. She knew.

Sitting in the house was painful. The pain only increased each time she saw Shawn's face through Maya.

Both of her sons were dead while Tyrone got to walk around, laughing, breathing... It wasn't fair and the cops were no help.

If she didn't do something, he would go on, not suffering consequences for his actions. That was her plan: keep it short and simple. She would be out of sight before anyone knew anything.

Her plan quickly went awry when she realized that she'd shot the wrong person. She panicked, instantly wondering why the teenager was even there.

When Tyrone came into sight, she quickly spotted the gun, taking off running. Shrieks left her lips as she prayed the bullets missed her.

Her heart sank when she ran into Coop. Coop could tell something was wrong by Ruth's frantic behavior.

Putting two and two together, she figured that Ruth had been involved in the shooting. At the time, she was slightly relieved that someone had put Tyrone down.

She was disappointed upon finding out who the victim was. Despite that, no one had heard from Tyrone since. It was like he vanished for good this time.

"What are you gonna do?" Kia softly asked, sitting at the end of the girl's bed.

Sydney sighed, crossing her arms.

"I have to press charges."

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