twenty five

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Roman stared at Lauren, unsure of what to do with the information he'd received.

Lauren stared back, waiting for him to say something. He'd been quiet for too long which started to worry her.

"Did you know?" He finally spoke once Sydney came down the stairs.

Sydney stared at him, confused.

"What are you talking about?"

Roman chuckled, wiping his tears.

"Your friend, Tyrone, is actually your brother. Turns out, your mother abandoned him."

"Roman, please.. don't say it that way."

"How else am I supposed to say it, Lauren?! You left him vulnerable to be with me then did the same thing with Sydney."

"No. She was different."

"She was? So you didn't leave me for another man? You gonna stand here and pretend like that isn't true?"

Sydney stared at the two arguing, still stuck on Tyrone being her brother.

"How do you know?" She lowly questioned.

The arguing adults turned their attention to their daughter.

"What?" Lauren inquired.

"Where is the proof? Anyone can make up a story."

Lauren listened to her words, pulling the birth certificate from her pocket.

"I knew you'd ask."

Roman skimmed through the words on the paper while Sydney stared at her mother's name.

"So it's true.."

Lauren nodded, taking the certificate and placing it back into her pocket.

"Yes, I regret it. I truly do."

"How come?"
Roman questioned.

Lauren hesitated, fiddling with her fingers. She wasn't ready to share the whole truth with anyone about her past.

However, there was no other way. If she wasn't honest, he would find out and, maybe, even take her daughter away.

"Okay, stop, you're being dramatic." She thought.

"I think she has amnesia."
Sydney commented.

"No, uh, I don't like to talk about it."

"So, what are we here for?"

"Babe, can you please listen?"

"Don't call me that. You lost that right the day you let another man in your pants." Roman dismissed.

"Oh my God! Can we get to the point?!" Sydney yelled over them.

Lauren sighed, nodding.

"I regret it.. honestly, because it backfired. His father sold drugs and was murdered in that business. I sent him away, in hopes of him becoming a lawyer.. doctor, maybe. As we can see, that did not work."

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