twenty two

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Everyone silently watched the paramedics carry Chris to the ambulance.

He weakly held up a thumbs up, letting everyone know he was fine. Sydney, Olivia and Corey waited for the player at the ambulance.

"Hey, you okay?"
Sydney asked.

Chris slightly nodded before they loaded him into the back. The crowd clapped; coaches getting their teams back in the game.

Spencer rushed over, checking on his friend before he had to return to the field.

"Who's riding?"
The woman asked.

Corey looked at the teenagers, sighing.

"I'll stay back."

As Olivia climbed inside, Sydney turned to Spencer.

"I'm gonna go to the hospital. You gonna be good here?"

Spencer nodded.

"Yeah. Go.."

She kissed his cheek, making her way to the ambo. Before she got in, she stopped, slightly annoying the paramedic.

"What the hell?"

Sydney cursed to herself seeing the cops walking with Tyrone in handcuffs.

"Is everything okay?" Liv asked.

"Uh, go without me. I'll meet you there." She excused herself as she rushed toward them.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Tyrone ignored the girl, feeling the anger radiating from his body. Sydney's eyes flickered to Coop and Laura as they came into sight.

"What happened?"
She questioned him.

He shook his head then looked to Coop, smirking.

"I'll see you soon, Coop."

As the officer put him in the back of the squad car, Sydney turned to the culprits.

"What are you doing, Tamia? What the hell!?"

Laura cleared her throat.

"She may be your friend but I am still an adult. Watch your language."

"My friend? My language? She just got my friend locked up and you helped. I don't really think that's a good friendship."

"I did what needed to be done, Sydney! He had Shawn killed and what, you're okay with that?"

Sydney glared at Coop.

"Of course not but what proof do you have? This is the first I'm hearing any of this plan you guys had and you haven't shown me any evidence."

"Dude who pulled the trigger said it himself. Tyrone is the one who pulled the strings. If it wasn't for him, Shawn would be starting a new life right now. Don't you see that? And you've known us longer, anyway. How come Tyrone is more important than us?"

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