Chapter 36: How Do I Breathe

Start from the beginning

"Have you experienced any head-trauma or nausea since the fall?" Wyatt questioned.


"Chest pains? Pain in the lower spine area?"

"Eh .. maybe .. maybe earlier .. I don't know."

"Hmph. Ms. Maraj, are you under a lot of stress? Maybe a new job? Relocating Residence? Financial troubles? How about family–"

"What? Absolutely not–"

"Relationship? Trouble in paradise?"

I pressed my lips together and crossed my arms over my chest staring at the wall. Dr. Wyatt cleared her throat and neared my side of the bed.

"It might be hard to remove a thorn bush but it's worst to allow it to grow on your heart. You're stacking up a lot of stress that's unhealthy."

"Haven't I heard that before?" I chuckled.

"It's true." She replied. "It's good to let everything out then bottling things inside. Stress isn't good and does not mix well when carrying a little one inside."

"Come again?"

She gleefully laughed. "I take it as you don't know."

"Don't know what exactly?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and let out mirthless laugh quite bewildered about everything. Did she just- Nah she didn't say- no! Hell no! Right?

"You are fourteen weeks pregnant."

"No no that can't be right." I objected, shaking my head in disapproval. "I just had my menstrual cycle not too long ago and- during my last check up, you told me that it was a small chance for me to be impregnated when having sex with someone that's intersex."

"Yes as long as it's safe sex and the hermaphrodite is azoospermia." Wyatt clarified.

"So in other words .."

"As long as her sperm is active then she absolutely can get you pregnant. In fact you'll always be greater risks of any pregnancy since  y'all both are fertile."

"I see."

"Did you have any other sexual partner?"

"Oh God no! She's the only one I've had sex with within the last eight months." I said abruptly.

"Well then." She chuckled. "I think you'll make an amazing mother like always. It's great to add to your thriving tribe but the decision is up to you. I don't agree but if you don't want to carryout then I'll recommend a few clinics for the alternative procedures."

I heavily sighed. "That'll be helpful."

"Um .. Oh okay .. Ms. Maraj I know this might be a difficult season for you but this could be a blessing. Pregnancies aren't easy but can–"

"Pregnancy?" Bey quiered, nearing us with a coffee and a danish in her hand. "What's up."

"You must be the infamous Beyoncé?"

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