Start from the beginning

Her words had him lean closer. "Are you, family?" He asked with a certain hope in his voice.

Rowena studied the vibrant colors of the smooth counter. "No, I'm your brother's wife."

Klaus cleared his throat at her word. A word he's dreamed about times and times again. Hearing her say that word threw him a curveball. When he gazed at Rzej, he could very well imagine that future with a white picket fence and so many children.

"I have a brother?" Elijah smiled. The twinkle in his brown eyes returned, sparkling brighter. The cafe's air was full of food from various dishes and perfumes some customers wore. Some cheap, some rich. And some smelled horrible. Something in his heart pulled at the thought of a family looking for him. Searching for his whereabouts.

"Yes," Rowena nodded. "He sent me to retrieve you. He couldn't make it. He's sick." She added.

Klaus rolled his eyes at the smirk she gave him from the side view. 'Very funny, Rowena.' he scoffed, almost tempted to hold up a finger to her.

"Sick?" Elijah asked. He glanced at Carla who gave him a subtle nod, then at Antoinette who patted his shoulders in comfort. He needed that.

'*Hurry it up.*' Rzej spoke in their mind-link. She nodded.

"Meet me here," Rowena took a tissue from the counter and a pen from Carla's hand to write an address. "Bring your friends for support if you wish. You'll need it," She glanced at him. "He's on his deathbed I'm afraid. This may be your last chance."


Rowena was already walking out before he could finish the sentence. Klaus and Rzej followed behind her like lost puppies.

"Are you sure Carla will be there?" Klaus asked.

"For moral support. I noticed the look in her eyes. She wanted to comfort him but couldn't in public." Rzej shivered at the cold pushing into his body. He squeezed his jacket close to warm himself.

"So they're having an affair?" Rowena chuckled.

"I wouldn't put it past Elijah. He's deceivingly honorable. Or maybe he couldn't stop himself. He never could when he gets close to someone." Klaus muttered.

"Sounds like someone I know." Rzej chuckled, shoving through mountains of snow with his feet. Klaus pushed his shoulders, glaring at him. If looks could kill, he would be ten feet under.

"Let's go over our plans." Rowena interjected as they neared the location where their plan would take place. They passed towards a tunneling street until a big abandoned mansion revealed itself.

"I'll have the building cloaked while you lure Elijah toward Niklaus's deathbed." Rzej smiled at his words. Most importantly he smiled at the sneer on Klaus's beautiful face. "I'll prepare you, Niklaus before they arrive before midnight."

Klaus nodded. A war tugged in his heart, dragging him from one direction to the other. As the smell of sewage hilted his nose, he made a face, halting his breathing. "You couldn't pick a better place?" He glanced up at the tower he liked to call his mate.

Rowena brought out a small vial from her fur coat pocket and sprayed the air. Green particles bubbled like boiling water before they dissolved into a flowery burst. "That should deal with it." She sucked in a breath at the lemony scent filling her nose. Sticking out her tongue, she attempted to taste the scent filling the once-rotten air.

"That's more like it." Klaus kissed Rowena on the lips.

"Hey, don't I get a kiss?" Rzej pointed to his pouted lips. Klaus rolled his eyes, pushing past him towards the abandoned mansion. Everything was falling apart. "Someone is in a pissy mood this morning." He whispered.

RZEJ - KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now