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"I did not hear you right." Astra Lowe growled. "You wish to start a war with one of the most powerful Creators?"

Klaus smirked, tilting his head. "Not exactly."

The next day, he and Rzej reconvened at Rzej's penthouse above A.C.E, discussing their stupid plan with the family. The afternoon sun cast a glow into the open glass plan of Rzej's lounge.

"We know he's going to come after us. He's been planning his revenge for epochs now." Rzej strolled to the golden long-arm couch, taking a sit by his wife, Rowena.

"He's bound to spare me and William," Rowena whispered. "We share a relation.

"He married my great-great, lots of great grandfather. He's likely to negotiate mine and William's lives halted." Rowena tapped on the couch arm, crossing her legs.

"That means you're safe. Which is good. William is safe." Rzej countered.

The former high demon narrowed her yellow eyes at her family. "I am not safe." She raised her hand. "Bliss is likely with her father and that demon child will and can rip me to shreds."

A tingling thought swiped into Klaus's head, a thought he'd been trying to reframe. But a look from Rzej had him shake his head. He would say this in private.

"Wasn't she a former high demon?" Rowena asked.

Snarling, Astra gripped her hands into a fist. "Yes, she was. I got her kicked out and she's been wanting my head on a silver platter."

"Is she more powerful than you?" Klaus asked.

Astra clicked her tongue, biting down at her words. "She is powerful. We could be equals."

crack. crack. crack

The hybrid cracked his fingers, swallowing sweet air down his throat. Down his lungs. Apple and lavender. Like the salty sea with that strong lingering smell that never erases from his mind.

"Okay, let's forget Bliss and her father. Let's figure out a plan." Rzej rubbed his temple. With all his might he held on. For Klaus. For his family. 'I gave up a long time ago.' "I have plans of my own and it sadly does not involve Maalefi'Caerys." Jedrzej chirped.

His lover gripped his brawny forearm. "Don't you dare give up."

Like a snake shedding its skin, Rzej shed his. "Never." he kissed Klaus's cheeks. "I got a Grimm to skin alive." He walked away, leaving Klaus with the family.

"A Grimm killed his children. His creation and he has vowed to make that Grimm suffer ways beyond." Rowena scratched her head. She glanced up at Klaus. "Don't let him give up." Was all she said before leaving.

RZEJ - KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now