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"TO A NEW FUCKING BEGINNING," Rzej yelled to the crowd in A

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"TO A NEW FUCKING BEGINNING," Rzej yelled to the crowd in A.C.E. Rzej danced and drank with aves of customers. He lost all common sense in policy.

Drink after drink turned to drug after drug until he was unable to stand on his own. The changing lights from the ball of stars spun and rotated until Rzej began to spin, spin, and spin.

Cheers echoed in his ears with arms on his shoulders, pulling him closer. When Chase reached Rzej for another drink he ordered to keep coming. Rzej chugged it down like air he needed to breathe.

Klaus stood on the first floor, watching Rzej and his every move. He gave a nod to Chase to take Rzej away, but Rzej stumbled from Chase's hold, running amok to his crowd of drinking buddies.

"Drinks on the house, tonight." He stumbled from a group of friends who wanted selfies with him to another. The banging in his head didn't improve. The drinks imprisoned his nightmares for a moment. That was until he became sober an hour ago.


That sentence threatened to pull Rzej Apart.

The glass steps cracked with each step he took up. But it never stopped. The blinking lights became an empty shadow. He walked up and up until the last glass stairs cracked beneath him and he began falling.

Falling into nothing. Darkness greeted him with nothing to grab onto. Nothing to see. No light. No fire. He threw his arms out, trying time and time again to summon his powers, but he was falling too fast. Too fucking fast. His powers crackled like the glass, switched off when summoned.

"Niklaus." Rzej screamed, kicking his leg. He still fell.

"Jedrzej, open your eyes." Klaus echoed.

Swinging his arms back, he swam. Far from the darkness. He tilted his body, moving up. Swimming up and up. Bleak darkness collided with cold water, pushing him forward.

"Open your eyes."

With a snap, Rzej gritted his teeth, swinging his arms forward.

"Open your eyes."

Rzej grunted as Klaus's voice echoed a guiding light towards him. He followed that light, swimming up and up and up until he reached the surface.


"Breathe," Klaus carried Rzej to the penthouse, and towards his bedroom. Now theirs. "I got you."

Rzej blinked, leaning against Klaus.

The softness of his mattress embraced him and he sighed, opening his eyes. "I was in darkness. Then the ocean."

"It's okay." Klaus kissed his forehead.

RZEJ - KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now