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Lester Sinclair x Reader

Look at me putting my insecurities on blast

Clammy hands had been the bane of your existence for as long as you could remember. All it had taken was one misplaced comment followed by the jerking away of a hand to make you self-conscious about something as natural as your own hands. For years you had avoided holding hands with anyone. Not wanting them to also be disgusted by the feeling of your palm on theirs.

It had almost become a chore to avoid the mindless grabs of Lester, your recent lover who was a handsy person at heart. You were sure that Lester would be disgusted by your hands if he were to get ahold of them. It was an irrational fear, you knew that, but you couldn't take any chance of off-putting Lester.

Both you and Lester were wandering around a nearby town just outside of Ambrose. The Louisiana heat did little to help your insecurity as your palms became insatiably sweaty for seemingly no reason.

Distracted you didn't notice Lester reaching out till it was too late. His fingers were entangled with yours. He paused in his step suddenly looking ahead as he pondered something, his eyebrows scrunched together in thought. Your mind was hyper-aware of how his fingers flexed squeezing your hand slightly.

"Somethin's not right 'ere," Lester mumbled.

You were terrified, this was it. Lester was going to pull away in disgust leaving you there with your stupid clammy palms.

Lester's chapped lips met your cheek with a smile. "That's better," he remarked his face inches from yours. "Now– off we go!" Lester pulled you forward by your hand not minding the way it felt in his palm in the slightest. 

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