🔪~Sinclair Boys x S/O Insecure About Their Weight~🔪

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Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair x Reader

Requested by Anonymous on Tumblr

NSFW Themes ahead

Bo Sinclair

The first time Bo heard you utter the words "Too heavy," he was confused. You were far from heavy and he made sure to let you know that by simply sweeping you off of your feet despite your protests he carried you from the gas station all the way back to the Sinclair home.

He makes it a point to let you know your weight is no problem for him whether that be by him throwing you over his shoulder/carrying you around or this man pulling you onto his lap for drunken cuddles there will be no escape for you until you have given up and slumped against him.

Over time it's best to give in to this man for every time you utter anything negative about your weight or challenge his ability to lift his baby he won't hesitate to carry you around or hold you to his chest till you are finally convinced that your weight is no problem to him.

On the topic of face-sitting, this man loves it. He can't get enough of it and is constantly asking you to sit on his face, whenever you are hesitant to though, only hovering, this man will wrap his arms around your upper thighs and simply pull you all the way down while glaring at you and eating you out vigorously until your legs give up and you have no choice.

Nerves clawed at your gut as you hovered over Bo's face, your thighs surrounding his head per his request. "Are you sure?" you asked your eyebrows scrunching in concern and hands shaking ever so slightly at the fear of hurting Bo with your weight. What would you do if he had gotten hurt in such an embarrassing position? What would he do-

"For the last time honeydew, I'm sure. Now, are ya gonna sit on my face, or do I needa help ya out here?" Bo ended his question with a wink, the cocky smirk on his face not foreign to you in the slightest. "I would be more than happy to help," Bo remarked, his tongue flicking out of his mouth to run along your sex drawing out a surprised yelp before quickly disappearing once again into his mouth with a chuckle.

Vincent Sinclair

As soon as "I'm too heavy," leaves your mouth Vincent would be there to reassure you that you were in fact not. He would be more gentle than Bo and would freak out trying to reassure you.

He wouldn't lift you up or anything till he was sure you wouldn't mind if he didn't. Once you did let him you were absolutely floored when this man lifted you with easy, littering kisses all over your face.

All the time is the best time for Vincent to take his time to remind you of how your weight is completely fine and how he has no problem with it.

His favorite thing is the look of astonishment on your face whenever he lifts you up or pulls you on his lap. It makes him feel like he made you happy, and that's all he wants to do. Well, besides keeping you safe and in his arms of course.

When it comes to your hesitance on some sexual stuff Vincent would be more than fine to wait until you were fully comfortable with doing whatever and he would ease you into it if needed.

Once you are completely comfortable, Vincent will be more than happy to have you ride him or sit on his face and such positions will become extremely common in the bedroom from thereon.

Vincent's arms were wrapped around your sides in a firm grip that allowed no room for you to escape his loving hold. You were trapped against Vincent's chest not having any other choice to lean fully into the man. Your arms resting lazily around his waist, as he happily shared body heat with you. Enjoying the way you felt on top of him.

Lester Sinclair

This scrawny man would be running up to you in his usual happy golden retriever way his arms open wide as he goes to lift you up into a hug, when the words "Too heavy," leave your mouth this man's smile immediately dropped into one of confusion. His response would be immediate as he reassures you that you are not too heavy for him to lift.

Lester would worry if he had done something to make you feel like you would be too heavy and would be distraught that you could think that of yourself.

True to his word though, you weren't too heavy, and Lester is sweeping you off your feet and twirling you around all while marveling at the star-stuck look on your face. The way you are floored whenever he lifts you only served as more encouragement for Lester to lift you up on the regular.

When it comes to sexual things Lester is okay with whatever you want and what makes you feel comfortable. You don't want to sit on his face? Oh, okay that's fine! He may be disappointed but he gets it. The last thing that this man wants is to make you feel nervous when he should be making you feel good.

If you do eventually do come around to it Lester will be slow, not pressuring you into anything. Lots of checkups from this man to make sure you're okay or if you would want to do something else/stop will be had. (Which is something super important and something that should be involved in any real-life sexual encounters!!!)

Astonished was how you felt as your feet left the ground, dangling in the air as your scrawny lover laughed, holding you to his chest. "Told ya I could do lift ya up!" Lester exclaimed his forehead almost knocking with your own as he pressed his lips against yours for a brief kiss that had your face flushing. "What kinda boyfrien' would I be if I couldn't carry ma baby around?"

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