🔪~What Else Would Ya Enjoy?~🔪

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Dennis Rafkin x Bo Sinclair 

Comfort ship time--

Dennis had never considered himself a very sexual person.

The man was always much too busy managing his annoying supernatural abilities and his strange employer's work hours to truly think about his sexual desires. It was a relentless cycle of work and sleep that Dennis had found himself trapped in for the longest time. Not a second to sit back and breathe with his hand lodged below his belt or a stranger between his legs had been granted to him for what felt like years.

The feeling of arousal had become more of a nuisance to Dennis as time passed by. So when the oh so annoying feeling had stuck the man when his back hit the grit road in the middle of Ambrose it had him cursing under his breath a deep flush tainting the tips of his ears. Hips pinned Dennis down before he could scramble to his feet. Blood-soaked hands gripping his throat and forcing out a choked gasp.

"Looks like I almost missed one," Bo drawled, a manic smile on his face.

"Almost slipped past me here. Too bad yer little friends didn't get as lucky as ya did, pretty boy." fingers dug into the sides of Dennis's neck shifting from Bo causing Dennis's erection to shift in his pants rubbing against the fabric of his jeans. With the little oxygen left in Dennis's lungs– he accidentally moaned.




Dennis was mortified, his face beet red and eyes wide in shock. Bo himself seemed to be stumped, his expression blank as his fingers paused in their efforts to choke the life out of the man below him.

"I-" before Dennis could get another syllable out Bo was knocked out of his momentary stupor silencing the man again by tightening his hold. This time, however, instead of the manic blood-thirsty look that had overtaken Bo's expression the man was more curious. Watching the way Dennis's eyes clenched shut, his eyebrows furrowing together, lips just barely parted in a silent gasp.

A deep chuckle forced its way through the fog filling Dennis's head as black edged his vision. This was it, Dennis thought, struggling to break from Bo's grip. He would die in the middle of nowhere– lonely and hard.

Just when Dennis was sure he would pass out a rush of sounds filled his ears, oxygen heaving into his lungs along with relief which flooded his system. Coughing Dennis brought his hands to his throat feeling the delicate skin there. Fingers fisted Dennis's short hair giving his short-lived relief a reality check as his head was jerked back.

A delicate pressure met Dennis's length moving along it slowly. "Looks like ya really enjoyed that," Bo was smiling down at Dennis the hand he was pressing against Dennis's length brushing against the button on the hem of the flustered brunette's pants before popping it open. "I wonder, what else would ya enjoy?"

Dennis let his head fall back against the hard ground a moan sliding past his teeth as hands fished into his pants pulling out his length.

"Well, I'm fucked– ah!" 

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