🔪~Slashers x Male S/O Pt. 2~🔪

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Stu & Billy, Brahms & Malcolm, Jason Voorhees, Dennis Rafkin, Horny the Clown |Archie Benjamin| x Male Reader

!NSFW! Ahead. 

You have been warned *ominous finger wiggles as I back into a dark closet*

Billy & Stu

You would not be the first man that had caught Billy and Stu's eyes in fact the both of them were quite used to having attractions to males. It was no secret to each other.

Billy would be more apprehensive to it growing defensive towards you and even cruel at times. He would have lots of internalized homophobia and you would seem like the perfect outlet for him.

Stu would be the polar opposite of Billy coming onto you in less than subtle ways. If you called him out on it however he would simply laugh saying "Oh what. Can't take a little joke [Y/n]?" before flipping it on you making it seem like you were the gay one in the situation for taking it that way in the first place.

Billy would avoid you unless Stu was with you. "Hey just hanging out with Stu. Still don't like you [Y/n]." all the while Billy is hiding his boner after he got a decent look at your ass earlier. Stu would notice Billy's problem but not mention it till late where it will then be Stu's job to take care of it. Which he would happily do.

Stu would purposefully bring you up around Billy talking dirty and mentioning you in lewd positions to purposefully rile up the brunette all while teasing him about it.

The first time the three of you get down to business expect Billy to go overboard he will definitely degrade you the whole time while completely dominating you. He will go multiple rounds and Stu will also listen to Billy just happy to watch the brunette lose it. The first time will most likely happen after one of Stu's parties when the three of you are drunk or/and high. (If it was me I would 100% be stoned off my ass. Fuck alcohol.)

Billy will be quiet when waking up most likely leaving you and Stu to cuddle while going to take a long shower to process his thoughts.

While Billy is in the shower going through intense brooding inner diologue expect Stu to use the time to have his own way with you no matter how sore you are. "Awh, come on [Y/n] I barely got you last night. Billy was all over you and I just had to watch you lose your mind on his dick."

Billy will be against public affection for a good while too scared of anyone catching wind of the three of you. Hell him and Stu barely got away with their relationship as is! Stu, however, will be more all over you at all times. Even doing some risky touches and dirty talking in public.

"Ohhhh [Y/n]~" Stu sang out as he approached you his arms outstretched "Come give Daddy some sugar!" he jeered dramatically as Billy slapped him telling the man to knock it off.

"Hey, Idiot." you laughed out as Stu wrapped you in his arms rocking you back and forth slightly while crying out "I missed you sugar-lips. Mwah, mwah, mwah." Stu pretended to cover your face in kisses as you rolled your eyes pushing his face away. Billy cracking a small smile at the display.

Brahms Heelshire & Malcolm

Brahms could care less about your gender. As long as you took care of him and loved him he would be happy with you. Malcolm on the other hand would be more taken aback. He would be confused thinking it was just a fluke before later confirming his admiration with you the more he delivered groceries. His heart practically fluttering at the thought of your smiling face greeting him each delivery.

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