🔪~Killers x Male Little Space S/O~🔪

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Michael Myers, Anna |The Huntress|, Danny Jed Olsen |Ghostface|, Frank Morrison |The Legion| x Male Reader

Requested by Anonymous on Tumblr

I've honestly been looking for an excuse to write little space fluff forever.

Michael Myers

Michael isn't sure what to make of it at first.

Are you alright? Did someone hurt you? What's wrong [Y/n]?" After learning that you are in fact in a little space Michael is a surprisingly good supervisor– at first at least.

He will be over vigilant of you. Always hovering over you and watching you.

If you're non-verbal when you regress no problem, Michael will be more than fine to not talk. Shocker, I know. Michael will be good at reading your non-verbal cues and will prove to be a surprisingly good caregiver.

Michael really doesn't mind caring for you overall and he is content to spend time with you no matter what the both of you are doing.

Michael will think your the cutest baby boy on the entire earth as he watches you play or when you present one of your plushies/drawings to him.

While if you call him daddy/papa at first he will be estranged by the name at first but will quickly learn to accept it and grow used to it along with all your other little space antics.

Michael is surprisingly good when it comes to dealing with tantrums, he is patient and isn't against waiting out whatever fit you may be having or simply lifting you up. Let's be honest there is no way you're fighting this man.

Even I wouldn't wanna fight him little space or not and I'm around the same height as him. (First movie not the 2007 one lol)

Doesn't matter how tall you are Michael is in charge and will care for you even if you don't want his care at the moment.

"Then you connect this dot!" Michael was sitting beside you in front of the living room table. One connect the dots coloring book was being shared between you and Michael. Per the larger man's request, you were showing him what to do. Michael let you drag his hand along the paper, the shakey lines on the off-white paper slowly forming a picture. "All done!" you cheered pulling Michael's hand from the paper before pointing excitedly. "Isn't it pretty?"

The Huntress

She is immediately to your care, as soon as you regress. Anna doesn't care what is happening or why she just sees a chance to care for the one she loves and she is in momma mode.

Anna is ecstatic and loves caring for you and spending time with you when you're in and out of your little space. She is content to watch you play and will join in any chance she gets.

Will call you her "Sweet baby boy," in a motherly tone as she rocks you or draws with you. She will practically demand you call her mama/mommy she loves having a caregiver/parent-like role when you get into little space.

Huntress will start looking forward to when you regress. She is obsessed with caring for someone and if that someone turns out to be you then Anna will feel like the luckiest woman alive.

Anna will accidentally or purposefully trigger it at times. She just loves to baby you and I don't know about you but when people I trust baby me in private I start to regress.

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