🔪~Danny x AMAB Survivor S/O With Secret Relationship~🔪

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Danny, Jed Olson |Ghostface| x AMAB Reader

Requested by Anonymous on Tumblr

Just out of curiosity- how would y'all feel if I introduced paid writing commissions alongside the free ones. Pretty much paid would be able to be purchased whenever and they would be moved to the front of my req list. 

It's just something I've been considering for a while since I'm poor and I was just wondering what y'all thought about it tbh.

Oh lord– good luck keeping your relationship with Danny a secret.

When he first heard of you wanting to keep the relationship on the down-low Danny was slightly put out. He wanted to show you off to all the other killers and to the survivors boasting about you every chance he got.

No matter though, Danny could respect your wishes as long as he still got you to himself. In a way he understood your worries– he knew how stingy some of the survivors could be and most of them probably wouldn't take too kindly to you fraternizing with the enemy.

Danny will be all for getting you alone in trials and messing with you. Doesn't matter who's top or bottom he will pin you against walls or anything nearby– a generator roaring nearby while your team worked– and shove his hand down the front of your pants rubbing your length. "Now keep quiet sunshine-" he would tease whispering lowly in your ear.

He will love watching you squirm as he runs his hand along you. Admiring the way your face would contort you biting your lower lip to try and hush your sounds.

The both of you have definitely messed around in lockers at times. Danny would just see you sneaking around near one and he pushes you in following suit before slamming it shut. "You hear that?" Nea asks walking by with Jake as Danny grabs hold of your dick drawing out a startled shout that you were quick to bite back.

Danny loves making you come. It doesn't matter where.

If it was up to him he would spend all his free time bringing you too sweet release until you physically could not any longer. Even then he may push you further seeing how far he can go before he truly breaks you.

It brings him pride when he makes you lose your mind on dick or surrounding you.

May leave some photos of you in suggestive positions– like you blissed out on your knees before him with cum coating your face– he'll leave the photos places where he knows only you will find them to tease you causing you to panic. What can he say, the man just adores the look of embarrassment, and fear flashes behind your eyes.

He will constantly be pulling you away from the survivor fire for some alone time. Have fun making up excuses for your constant absence.

You will constantly be littered in hickies and love bites– some more noticeable than others– good luck trying to get Danny to stop if you are averse to the marks. He is a possessive and obsessive person and he needs to leave something on your body since he can't verbally let others know you are his.

He'll lovingly stroke every mark on your body when the both of you are together. Even if he has to hook you he will rub his thumb apologetically against a mark on your neck before disappearing to hunt your fellow survivors.

Cold seeped into your bones as you crept through the thin fog surrounding you hindering your vision. You had just come too after being thrown into one of The Entity's many trials. Waking up laying on the cold ground was an unpleasant yet common experience nowadays for you and the other survivors.

It seems letting your mind wander would be your first mistake that trial.

Gloved hands surrounded your waist gripping harshly. With a started scream you were picked up, but instead of being thrown over a shoulder, you were pulled back into a firm warm chest. Red light illuminated the ground below your feet as warm breath hit the nape of your neck.

"Danny," you breathed out relieved. A chuckle made you throw your head back onto the shoulder behind you turning to make eye contact with the man through the scream mask he wore.

"Nice to see you too, Sunshine." he stated one of the hands resting on your waist moving to fiddle with the front of your pants. "Fuck- now?" you asked, squirming. Danny's fingers danced along your navel the leather of his gloves a strange sensation. His hand dipped further down and you moaned out sinking further into Danny.

Looks like now, it was.

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