🔪~My Beautiful Man~🔪

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Vincent Sinclair x Reader

Requested by leaf_2008 

Vincent time bitches! Finally was motivated to write this req while in a manic fit so let's go!!! Can I get a fuck yeah for mental illness that causes horrible bouts of depression with short breaks of mania! 

I am not okay. Send help, and cookies please.

Fingers dug into your hips, nails biting the skin there. "Vinny." You said through a moan your own hands finding their way over Vincent's spurring a whimper from his lips. You watched his face contort as squelching filled the room. Your hips bouncing up and down as you thrust Vincent deep inside of you over and over again.

Your walls gripped his length slick gushing out of you, slicking up both your and Vincent's thighs.  His back was against the cot he had tucked into a corner of his room, a room in which he barely used.

This was one of the rare occasions you had pulled the man from his wax statues. You had begged the man to let you draw him without his mask, a sight you rarely got to see as it was so your hopes weren't high. You had expected to be shot down with an angry glare before being dismissed. To your delight though Vincent had simply grabbed your hand dragging you to the room that was just as much yours as it was his now.

You wasted no time quickly grabbing the sketch pad Vincent had loaned you only for it to never be returned along with an old school sketching pencil that was most likely snatched from a long-dead victim's home. Vincent reached up hesitantly removing his mask. The delicate thing was set aside, a nervous look on Vincent's features.

Vincent was now in full display. His unscathed side mirroring Bo's exactly while his disfigured half twisted and morphed into something unnatural but beautiful. Led hit the paper and you were off. At first Vincent was tense waiting for an outburst of disgust, as the moments ticked on though Vincent found himself relaxing. He was soothed by the sound of the pencil scraping across paper etching line after line as well as the sound of your breathing.

His two favorite noises- well besides your voice that was.

You sighed, you were obviously frustrated. Your eyebrows were cinched together. A deep scowl on your face, you erased and scribbled, erased and scribbled, erased- Vincent let his hand fall on yours stopping your harsh movements that dug into the paper a worried look on his face.

"I'm sorry Vinny. I just-" there it was, he knew it was a bad idea you were probably struggling to draw his disfigured side god knows he himself struggled the one time he grew the currougue to try a self-portrait. The damn thing is still somewhere collecting dust under years of unfinished projects most likely.

His own scowl was on his face and you noticed quickly resting your palm on his disfigured side "I can't make the drawing look as pretty as you are right now. Right here, in front of me." You sighed showing him the drawing on both sides of his face what he would consider to be correct.

"No matter what I do I can't capture the beauty that is you." Your words had caught him off guard. Everything you did seemed to catch him off guard, instilling a light fluttering in his heart.

He watched your face twisted in concentration, the low fluttering in his chest slowly crescendoing into overwhelming waves of both happiness and pain.

His arms wrapped around you tightly. God he loved you.

Your lips had connected with his, Vincent didn't know who exactly had initiated the kiss and he didn't care as your hand gingerly cupped his face. Holding him as if he was the most treasured thing in the world. All he knew was that you were gentle as you laid him down placing kisses all over his body calling him your "Pretty boy." He's never been considered pretty much less entertaining the thought of being anything less than a hideous monster.

However, as you stripped him bare, sinking down onto him- enveloping him inside of you- muttering out "Let me show you how much you make me want you. Vincent." He felt like the prettiest man in the world.

"How beautiful you truly are." 

You kept your word riding Vincent as you peppered him with light kisses whispering words of praise and love into the shell of his ear through breathy pants and moans. All the while your sweaty bodies worked together melding together in shared ecstasy.

Hands gripped your waist and your own hands enveloped them keeping them there. You wanted to keep Vincent's hands on you- you needed to keep his hands on you.

With a stifled groan, Vincent bucked up into you jostling you and landing the bundle of nerves inside of you that had you seeing stars. Clamping down around the man beneath you, bringing him to his own end inside of you. 

The both of you came down together. Vincent for once not in a hurry to return to his work as his hands trailed over your body exploring you as you did his body. Sharing small kisses occasionally the two of you enjoyed the quiet moment together knowing it wouldn't last long.

There were always going to be more tourists and wax statues but moments like this were special. One of a kind and meaningful each quiet kiss burning into Vincent's once lonely heart.

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