🔪~His Angel of Death~🔪

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Ambiguous Ghostface x Killer Reader

Requested by Crow_XD

Ghostface is simply stated as, well-- Ghostface lmao. 

Also, I just recovered from getting covid again, for anyone who didn't know, and now my dumb ass has a fucking cold. So that's fun *Cries in brail*

 Anyway, enjoy this lightly edited smut.

Adrenaline and your taste on Ghostface's tongue was a mixture that had the man groaning from where he nealed. His mouth moves against you as your blood-soaked fingers grip his hair, tugging and playing with the strands as your body quivered from both pleasure and excitement. Your thighs were bare in his hold, your pants discarded somewhere in your shared bedroom.

Releasing one of your thighs, Ghostface let his fingers drag their way up the jumping plush skin till they sat at your entrance. He pulled away from your sex momentarily; letting his eyes stray on your disheveled face. A cruel smirk pulling at his lips as the man was practically vibrating at the sight of your bite mark covered body. His personal claim decorating you. Some poor saps blood dragged along your torso and sides.

As two of his fingers sank into you, your head was thrown back and voice rising in volume, Ghostface let his mind wander to how you looked only moments prior.

The way you had stood, a glint in your eyes as your fist gripped the dripping knife you held– his knife. You had used his knife and as sick as that was that thought had Ghostface's hips jerking forward. His straining erection seeking out any friction but finding none.

You had looked like an angel of death, standing where you were. Moonlight cascading over your form and glistening off your tainted skin. You were enchanting as you glanced over your shoulder, making eye contact with him, nothing but a dangerous glint in your eyes. A warning his mind screamed for him to head. Everything about you screamed hungry predator as you had sauntered up to him, the grip on his knife tightening, and if you were anyone else, Ghostface would have been sure you were about to add him to your kill list, and Ghostface was sure he would have let you if you truly wished.

The way you had tasted when you had locked lips with him was addicting, like venom entering his veins Ghostface was immediately subdued, a heat different to the joy he felt after a good kill nipping at his groin while you pressed your front against his. Your fingers that had pressed into his shoulders, guiding him to the ground, the sole force grounding himself to the real world being your fingers as he got lost in your taste.

Wet noises were music to the man's ears as your fingers dug harshly into his shoulder bringing his wandering mind back to you with a start. The pain prickling his skin providing a sick sort of pleasure for the surely deranged man.

Ghostface couldn't tear away from the look in your eyes which was a wonderful swirl of hungry lust that only spurred Ghostface on as his eyes mirrored your own.

Nails dug into your skin where Ghostface still held your thigh, his nails dragging down our skin as his fingers speed up into you. Diving deep and hard as the digits curled just right hitting that gut-clenching bundle of nerves buried deep inside of your sex. Ghostface watched as your hips pushed back, your spine curling as you arched, the walls of your sex spasming. "Here we go," Ghostface cooed as you spasmed from above him. A powerful orgasm took hold of your mind as you thoughtlessly mumbled to no one in particular.

Ghostface lapped at you. Savoring everything that spilled from your sex. Even as you squirmed, mumbling "No more," your fingers tugging the hairs at the back of his head, the man didn't stop till he had swallowed all of your releases. Completely cleaning you up before smacking his lips, a lazy smile gracing his lips.

"Delicious as always, [Y/n]." 

Slasher x Reader Drabbles & Imagines ||Requests Open||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें