🔪~Slasher's Meeting you Imagine~🔪

1.7K 42 12

Includes Michael Myers, Brahms Heelshire, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Lenz

Reader is GN

Lightly edited but over 3k words so enjoy! Also please lmk what slasher I should do next for this imagine prompt.

Michael Myers

In all honesty, most likely starts with Michael stalking you.

He's watching you about to make you his next victim when you do something that entices his curiosity to overtake his blood lust henceforth leaving him to spare you for the moment in favor of using for a little innocent entertainment.

Michael would spend A LOT of time stalking you before he even approaches you and when he does don't expect him to be gentle right away.

Michael will manhandle you more often than you would like but if you are able to maintain your strange relationship and build up trust with the man I could see him making a conscious effort to be gentle with you.

Also warning I feel like Michael would be the kind of slasher who would simply follow you around and observe what you're doing only really reacting when you ask something or speak directly to him. Sometimes he wouldn't even be consciously doing it.

This man is protective over you, there is no way around it and don't even try to change it because it wouldn't work and would most likely just upset Michael in the end.

He would check in on you outside of the house multiple times a day without your knowledge of course and if he sees you having a particularly bad day I could see him trying to bring you little knick-knacks to make you feel better.

Don't expect any cutesy little gifts at first, hell just expect this man to bring you back dead animals or bones he finds at first, to him that's what's important. After a little while, I feel like he would get the hand of gifting after observing other couples exchanging 'normal' gifts.

You open the front door of the old Myers home, the hinges creaking in distress. A sigh passes through your lips as the events of the day replay in your mind. Creak- you look up to see Michael standing in front of you a bunch of wildflowers in hand, the roots were still attached to the ends and a few were wilted, but to you they were perfect. Softly you smile at the man in front of you. "Thank you, Mikey."

Brahms Heelshire

You would either be hired to be the man's babysitter or you would be helping Malcolm with his deliveries, really couldn't see any other way for the two of you to happen to meet unless you broke in- and just don't do that you would end up dead so fast.

Of course, the stinky wall man would watch you through the walls whenever he could as he dealt with his conflicting feelings.

If you were his nanny be prepared for creepy doll activity and the ever-looming thought that you may be going insane.

Under the circumstances that you find Brahms out by accident expect him to be more scared than you. He'll drop whatever he's doing and freak out not at all prepared for the encounter. Depending on your reaction he will either scurry away back to the safety of the walls or hold you trying to keep you from leaving him.

Once Brahms gets more comfortable with the idea of being around you expect lots of physical affection and random touches, poor boy was stuffed in the walls for years he's starved for physical interaction.

I feel that Brahms would be the kind of person who would simply adore it if you were to hold him and simply talk, your ramblings would help relax him and it would be a great opportunity for Brahms to learn about both you and the outside world he's been cut off from.

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