Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Water Ghouls

  Days passed and Daiyu is getting nervous about the upcoming events. She is always thinking of a way to save his brother and the Dafan wens. She's also planning to protect his brother from dangerous people like Wen Rouhan and his idiot sons Wen Xu and Wen Chao, Jin Guashan, Jin Guangyao, Su She, and other people who hated him when he became the Yilling Patriarch.

  Daiyu has been continuously thinking about this and it is stressing her out. She even began writing the upcoming events and the possible solutions to avoid or stop them.

There are so many events. If only she can tell them about the future.

Daiyu is currently at the back of the mountains of Gusu Lan. She is staring at the beautiful surroundings of Gusu.

'I guess being here has its own advantage'

Daiyu keeps on sighing. Thinking of the upcoming events is stressing her out to the point that it is causing her some headaches.

She decided to go back to her and Yanli's room to have a rest because her headache is taking a toll on her. She can't think properly anymore. She keeps on massaging her temple but it's not enough. Daiyu continues to walk and almost tripped but someone helped her before that happens.

"Are you okay Lady Wei?"

Daiyu looked up and saw Wen Qing.

'What is she doing here at the back of the mountains? Spying?'

Daiyu stands up properly and gives a bow to Wen Qing.

"Thank you for helping me, Lady Wen"

While looking at Wen Qing Daiyu assesses her face. Wen Qing is indeed a beautiful lady. The red robes compliment her milky skin. No wonder Jiang Cheng got interested in her. Daiyu smiled at the thought. 'Should I match her with Jiang Cheng? I guess I should.

"No need to thank me, Lady Wei. It looks like you are not okay. You look pale" Wen Qing said while looking at Daiyu. Daiyu just smiled at her.

"I'm fine. Just a little headache" Daiyu replied. Daiyu wants to curse herself. She is sure that Wuxian will get worried about her if he finds out. Even Yanli and Jiang Cheng.

"If Lady Wei wants I can give you some medicine " Daiyu looked at Wen Qing. Daiyu knows that she can trust Wen Qing so it won't be a problem if she accepts her offer.

"Then if it won't be a trouble then I will gladly accept it, Lady Wen," Daiyu said.

"Just think of it as a thank you for what your brother did to my brother, " Wen Qing said. Daiyu looked at Wen Qing with a questioning look.

"Your brother is helping and encouraging my brother in his archery skills " Wen Qing answered. Daiyu just smiled. Daiyu already knows that this is where Wen Ning and his brother first formed a bond. Well, she is happy that Wuxian and Wen Ning met already. Daiyu reminds herself to also protect Wen Ning. That angel must be protected at all costs.

Wen Qing and Daiyu arrived at the room for Jiang disciples. Yanli is also inside.

"A-Yu, Lady Wen" Yanli greeted the both of them. The two ladies also did the same to Yanli.

"A-li, Lady Wen is here to give me some medicine for me" Daiyu explained as she saw the questioning loof Yanli.

"Medicine? Why,are you sick?" Yanli asks worriedly. Yanli immediately went to her side and hold her hands. Daiyu wants to shake her head. Yanli is overreacting but it feels good that someone cares for her like this.

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