Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

  It's been five years already since the war between the major clans and the Wen sect happened. Everything is now back to normal, but without the Wen sect, there are fewer problems happening in the cultivation world. There is no more controlling the fierce corpses and mysterious deaths of other cultivators. Everything is at peace now. 

As it has been five years already, a lot of things have changed. The Nie sect remains a strong clan, but more respect was given to them because of their bravery in leading the war, especially to their sect leader, Nie Mingjue. Nie Huaisang also gained some respect from others when they found out that he is a good strategist and contributed a lot to the planning for the war. Nie Mingjue can't help but be proud of his little brother because of his intelligence in creating plans. 

In the Jiang clan, they were finally able to finish the renovation of their clan after it was attacked by the Wens. Everything is back to normal, and a stronger barrier was put in place thanks to Wei Wuxian. Another news was the marriage of Jiang Yanli to Jin Zixuan after a year of war. They also have a son now, named Jin Rulan or JinLing. Jiang Cheng became the Jiang sect leader of the Jiang's, and he has been doing a great job, making his parents proud of him. He married Wen Qing, the talented doctor, after three years of courtship. It was challenging since Wen Qing is not an easy woman, but nonetheless, Jiang Cheng did not give up and continued pursuing her until she finally gave in and told him her feelings. Right now, they have a two-year-old son named JingYi, who is mischievous like Wei Wuxian. Actually, Wuxian is his favorite uncle. Sometimes Wuxian will include JingYi in pranking Jiang Cheng, causing headaches to the said sect leader. The Jiang clan became more vibrant because of the addition of the energetic JingYi. 

Something happened to Wei Wuxian's life as well. After the heartbreak he experienced during the war, it has been a hard time for him to get back to his usual life. His sister is his best companion, and without her, it is so hard to have a happy life. Luckily, his family was there when he was so lost. Lan Zhan, his soulmate, was also a big help in comforting him. It was so hard, but thanks to them, he was able to continue living. After three years after the war, they decided to tie the knot at the Cloud Recesses. Their wedding happened during the spring, and everything was almost perfect. If only his Ajie was there, it would surely be perfect. 

His marriage to his favorite Lan has always been a happy one. Everything is amazing, and having him as his husband brought so much joy to Wuxian. They're always together; they play and sing together, practice swordsmanship and archery, hunt together, and of course, every day they do it.Wuxian enjoyed it a lot. His life became a brighter one when Wangji entered it. 

After a year of being married, they adopted a child named Wen Yuan, who is related to Wen Qing. The orphaned child lost his parents when his mother died after giving birth and his father had an accident while he was out of their village. And since no one was able to take care of little Yuan, Wen Qing proposed the idea of Yuan getting adopted by the WangXian couple. She introduced baby Yuan to them, and the couple immediately loved him. Now, Wen Yuan has become Lan Yuan, and the WangXian couple has been enjoying being parents of the Yuan. They're all living in Gusu Lan, but they sometimes travel to the Jiang sect to have a visit and have JingYi, Jin Ling, and Yuan become close. They're cousins, so the parents want them to get close. Surprisingly,even though the three of them have different personalities,it was amusing to watch how they were all able to connect with and understand each other. So far, everything is going great. Everyone is now happy and content with their lives. 

Except for Lan Xichen.

"It's been five years already; is there still no news about the sect heir of Lan, Lan Xichen?" a cultivator from a minor sect who went to the festival asked the tanghulu vendor as he ate his strawberry tanghulu. 

Wei Wuxian's Older Sister Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora