Chapter 5

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 Chapter 5: Lan Wangji

This will be in a third person's POV

The Wei siblings, together with the Jiang siblings, are currently preparing for their departure to Gusu Lan, where they will attend the lectures under the strict grandmaster of Gusu, Lan Qiren. Sect leader Jiang told them that it is better if all four of them attend the lectures.

"A-Xian, did you pack everything you need for the lectures?" Daiyu asked her baby brother, who smiled brightly as he put his hand on his sister's shoulder.

"Yes, Jie! I packed everything last night; you can even ask A-Cheng." Daiyu looked at Jiang Cheng, who nodded.

"Don't worry, Shijie; I made sure that the brat was prepared for the lectures." Daiyu smiled after hearing Jiang Cheng's answer. Daiyu is feeling excited but nervous at the same time. She's excited that her brother will meet his future partner but nervous because the lecture will be the start of Wen's evil doings. And the fact that they are getting closer to the war makes her nervous. She only hopes that she can change a lot of scenes to protect her brother and her new family.

"If we are now ready, let us now go, for it will take days to reach Gusu," Jiang Yanli said with her signature calm voice and smile. They are all happy because they are all together. They already treat each other as siblings, so they are all close to one another. Jiang Yanli and Wei Daiyu are the eldest among them. They are both 19 years old, while their brothers are both 16 years old. Wuxian is older by a few months than Jiang Cheng, and the same goes for Daiyu and Yanli.

They went to their boat, and the disciples that were going with them also did the same. They traveled for four days to reach Gusu since Gusu Lan is the farthest from Yunmeng.

They are now in Caiyi Town, enjoying looking at the different products of Gusu. They can say that Gusu is different from Yunmeng. The people in Yunmeng are louder than the people in Gusu. They are all conversing in a calm voice. This amuses the mischievous cultivator, which is Wuxian.

"Woah, Gusu is different from Yunmeng. They are all calm, unlike us, who love talking too loud. I wonder how they curse in Gusu," Wuxian said with his mischievous tone. Daiyu just sighed at what his brother said.

Jiang Cheng smacked Wuxian's head. "Don't make trouble for us again!" Wuxian just laughed at what his brothers said.

"Chengcheng, don't be like that," Wuxian said as she crossed his arms.

"Who are you calling ChengCheng?!" Jiang Cheng is ready to smack his brother's head again but has decided not to, for he is sure that Wuxian is teasing him again.

'This idiot.Jiang Cheng sighed loudly. 'No one can beat this mischievous creature'.

Yanli and Daiyu look at each other and laugh. Their little brothers never fail to entertain them. Wuxian always loves to prank and tease, while there's Jiang Cheng, who is always grumpy and short-tempered. They are balanced.

"Why don't I go and find an inn for us to stay? You can go and have fun," Daiyu volunteered. She remembers how Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, and Yanli met Jin Zixuan. She better hurry so they can have an inn to sleep in.

"Let me come with you, Daiyu," Yanli said. Their brothers stop bickering with each other and look at their sisters.

"No need, Yanli. I know you also want to roam around Caiyi Town. You must take the chance, for we will leave early tomorrow. Don't worry about me; I'm just tired, so I want to find an inn already for us to stay with." Daiyu said this to her sister. Yanli is always a kind girl. Daiyu now understands why Wuxian and Jiang Cheng love her so much when she is reading the novel. She also fell in love with her kindness. Not in a romantic way, of course. She loves that she has a kind sister, unlike her evil stepsisters.

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